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Md Abu Musa
Md Abu Musa

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Understanding Stack Operations: How Programs Store and Release Data in Memory

A stack is a data structure used to store information temporarily during the execution of a program, particularly in function calls, variable management, and more. It operates on the LIFO (Last In, First Out) principle, where the last item added is the first to be removed.

How the Stack Stores and Releases Data:

  1. Function Calls:

    • When a function is called, its local variables, return address, and parameters are stored in the stack. This collection of data is called a stack frame.
    • Every time a new function is called, a new stack frame is pushed onto the stack.
    • When the function completes, its stack frame is popped off the stack.
  2. Data Storage:

    • Push operation: When a program needs to store a value (e.g., local variables), it pushes the value onto the stack.
    • Pop operation: When a program finishes with that value (e.g., function returns), the stack frame is popped, releasing the stored data.


Consider a program that calls two functions, main() and funcA().

  • The main() function calls funcA(), and funcA() calls funcB(). Each time a function is called, its local variables and return address are pushed onto the stack. When the function completes, the stack is popped.

Diagram of Stack Operations:

Initial State (Empty Stack)
|                    |  <- Stack grows downward in memory

Calling main():
| main() return addr |  <- Top of stack
| main() local vars  |

Calling funcA():
| funcA() return addr|  <- Top of stack
| funcA() local vars |
| main() return addr |
| main() local vars  |

Calling funcB():
| funcB() return addr|  <- Top of stack
| funcB() local vars |
| funcA() return addr|
| funcA() local vars |
| main() return addr |
| main() local vars  |

Returning from funcB():
| funcA() return addr|  <- Stack frame for funcB popped
| funcA() local vars |
| main() return addr |
| main() local vars  |

Returning from funcA():
| main() return addr |  <- Stack frame for funcA popped
| main() local vars  |

Returning from main():
|                    |  <- Stack is empty again
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  • The stack stores data for function calls and local variables.
  • Each function call creates a stack frame that is pushed onto the stack.
  • When a function completes, its stack frame is popped, releasing memory and making it available for future operations.

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