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Md Abu Musa
Md Abu Musa

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YAML Data Types

YAML file containing different data types such as strings, numbers, lists, dictionaries, booleans, and null values:

# Example YAML file with various data types

# Strings
name: John Doe
occupation: Software Engineer

# Integers and Floats
age: 30
salary: 75000.50

# Booleans
is_active: true
is_manager: false

# Null value
nickname: null

# Lists
  - PHP
  - Laravel
  - JavaScript
  - Docker
  - AWS

# Dictionary
  street: 123 Main St
  city: New York
  state: NY
  zip_code: 10001

# Nested Lists and Dictionaries
  - degree: B.Sc in Computer Science
    university: University of XYZ
    graduation_year: 2015
  - degree: M.Sc in Software Engineering
    university: ABC Institute
    graduation_year: 2018

# Complex Dictionary with Multiple Data Types
  project_name: AI Chatbot
  duration_in_months: 6
  completed: true
    - name: Alice
      role: Team Lead
    - name: Bob
      role: Developer
    - name: Charlie
      role: Tester

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This file illustrates how you can structure YAML to represent various data types and organize them in a readable manner.

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