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Cover image for Repairing AES-Encrypted Files with aesfix
Abubaker Siddique
Abubaker Siddique

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Repairing AES-Encrypted Files with aesfix

Objective: Learn how to use the aesfix tool to repair AES-encrypted files that may have become corrupted or damaged.


  1. Kali Linux: Ensure you have Kali Linux installed on your system. You can download it from the official website:

  2. Terminal Access: Open a terminal window in Kali Linux. You'll use this terminal to run commands.

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Check if aesfix is Installed:

To begin, let's check if aesfix is already installed on your Kali Linux system:

aesfix --version
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If aesfix is not installed, you can install it using the apt package manager:

sudo apt-get install aesfix
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2. Create an AES-Encrypted File (Optional):

If you don't already have an AES-encrypted file to repair, you can create one using the openssl tool as follows:

openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in plaintext.txt -out encrypted.txt
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  • Replace plaintext.txt with the name of the file you want to encrypt.
  • Replace encrypted.txt with the desired name for the encrypted file.

This step is optional and is meant to simulate having a damaged AES-encrypted file for the tutorial.

3. Repair an AES-Encrypted File:

Assuming you have a damaged AES-encrypted file (e.g., encrypted.txt) that you want to repair, use the following command to run aesfix:

aesfix -r encrypted.txt repaired.txt
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  • Replace encrypted.txt with the name of the damaged encrypted file.
  • Replace repaired.txt with the desired name for the repaired file.

4. Review the Output:

After running aesfix, carefully review the output. The output will provide information on the repair process, any issues found, and whether the file was successfully repaired. Pay close attention to any error messages or warnings.

5. Access the Repaired File:

If aesfix successfully repairs the file, you can access the repaired file, which in this case would be named repaired.txt. You can open and use this file as needed.

6. Clean Up (Optional):

If you no longer need the damaged or repaired files, you can delete them to free up disk space.

  1. Install Kali Linux: Ensure Kali Linux is installed on your system.

  2. Open a Terminal: Launch a terminal window in Kali Linux.

  3. Check aesfix Installation: Verify if aesfix is installed by running aesfix --version. If not, install it using sudo apt-get install aesfix.

  4. Encrypt a File (Optional): If you don't have an AES-encrypted file, create one using openssl or any AES encryption tool.

  5. Repair an AES-Encrypted File:

    • Run aesfix on the damaged file: aesfix -r encrypted.txt repaired.txt.
    • Replace encrypted.txt with the damaged file's name.
    • Replace repaired.txt with the desired name for the repaired file.
  6. Review Output: Carefully examine the output for information on the repair process and any issues found.

  7. Access the Repaired File: If aesfix successfully repairs the file, access the repaired file (e.g., repaired.txt).

  8. Clean Up (Optional): Delete the damaged and repaired files if no longer needed.

Important Notes:

  • Ensure you have legal rights and permissions to work with encrypted files.
  • Use aesfix responsibly and ethically, respecting privacy and confidentiality.

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