DEV Community

Emily Herr
Emily Herr

Posted on

What in the Git?

With all my learning (and now freelance work) in Web Dev, it was time for a new laptop. My last one was fine for email and light usage but its poor 4 GB RAM could not handle more than two things at once. Cue the "I can't live share on VS Code, my computer will crash" excuse.

Now I have a new 16 GB laptop, but here for the annoying part.... setting up and configuring it to my liking. Of course this means configuring git and gitbash. Below is how you can do that just in case you forgot how you did it last time (bookmarking!) - Just a note, I personally have a Windows, so some of these instructions may be slightly geared towards PC.

1) Go to Git's site at : and download git - there are options per Operating System, just select which OS you have and download the right version for you and then install it on your machine.

2) Once Git installs, a little pop-up should come up asking if you approve Git making changes on your computer and since you are installing it, select YES

3) At one of the stages of installation, there should be options if you ONLY want git installed or also configured for 3rd party tools. Select the latter one so you will be able to git push to your heart's desire

4) Once git is installed, go and open GitBash

5) For the next step, I am assuming you already have a github account.. Go to GitBash or command line interface elsewhere and type the following command: mkdir git_test

  • then cd into your new directory

6) Next commands configure your github account with git on your computer.

  • git config ––global “github_username”
  • git config ––global “email_address”

Make sure to replace "github_username" and "email address" with your username and email address so it can connect your account

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