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Adam Coster
Adam Coster

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at

The Typescript "as const" trick

Some time ago when I was first learning Typescript, I came across a snippet in a tutorial somewhere that looked something like this:

const myArray = ['hello','world',10] as const;
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Weird, right? Obviously it's a const, so what's the point of the as const?

If you use a Typescript-aware editor like VSCode, you'll see that the hover-text types for these two cases are completely different:

// shows up as: `const myArray: (string | number)[]`
const myArray = ['hello','world',10];

// shows up as: `const myArray: readonly ["hello", "world", 10]`
const myArray = ['hello','world',10] as const;
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In the first case we're treating the array as the const, and Typescript helpfully infers what kinds of things can go into that array.

In the second case the whole thing becomes constant, so it gets that readonly flag and we see the exact stuff that we put into that array, in the exact order, as the type!

So why is this useful?

Unfortunately, this doesn't prevent you from using mutators on your as const array in typescript (e.g. if you try to .push() something onto it, Typescript won't get upset). So it's a lie unless you wrap it in an Object.freeze.

One thing I've found it to be extremely useful for, however, is iterating over a defined subset of object keys:

const myObject = {
  hello: 'world',
  number: 10,
  anArray: [1,2,3],
  nested: {something: 'else'}

// Without using `as const`:
for(const field of ['hello','world']){
  // The type of `field` is just 'string'

// With `as const`:
for(const field of ['hello','world'] as const){
  // The type of `field` is 'hello'|'world'
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That difference between having exact versus general type information can make all the difference between something being difficult or easy in Typescript.

Unfortunately, JSDocs don't have support for this, so using this trick in vanilla JavaScript requires a workaround:

/** Thanks to {@link} */

 * Identity function. Coerces string/number literals to value-as-type.
 * @template {string|number} T
 * @param {T} v
 * @return {T}
function toConst(v) {
  return v;

const five = toConst(5);
// --> Type shows up as 5 instead of "number"

 * Creates an array from the given arguments, type as a constant tuple.
 * @template {(string|number)[]} T
 * @param {T} v
 * @return {T}
function toConstTuple(...v) {
  return v;

const tuple = toConstTuple("Hello","World",10);
// --> Type shows up as ["Hello","World",10] instead of (string|number)[]
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It's a little weird to wrap your values in a function that does nothing but let the Typescript language server give you a readonly type. But it works, at least for these limited cases.

Top comments (5)

mbjelac profile image
Marko Bjelac

Unfortunately, this doesn't prevent you from using mutators on your as const array in typescript (e.g. if you try to .push() something onto it, Typescript won't get upset). So it's a lie unless you wrap it in an Object.freeze.

Maybe they made an improvement after you published this, but since 4.5.4 this is not possible:

const arr = [1, 2, 3] as const;

// TS2339: Property 'push' does not exist on type 'readonly [1, 2, 3]'.

arr.length = 0;
// TS2322: Type '0' is not assignable to type '3'.
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orta profile image
Orta • Edited

Nope, looks like the JSDoc types parser doesn't know about as const at all, you'd need to re-type it inside an @types to get the literal types

/** @type {Readonly<{ b: "thingy"}>} */
const b = {
  b: "thingy"

b.b // will be "thingy" in the type system
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adamcoster profile image
Adam Coster

Yep, that's the headache I've been trying to avoid. It seems that with Typescript it's generally possible to avoid DRY violations between types and expressions, but it's pretty hard to avoid with JSDoc.

orta profile image
Orta • Edited

Somehow I ended up back in this article while looking for something else, so it only seems right to note that JSDoc as consts exists nowadays

const b = /** @type {const} */ ({
  b: "thingy"

b.b // will be "thingy" in the type system
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( Also a big fan of your work, I completed Crashlands back when it came out on iOS )

xeho91 profile image

Thank you!

I noticed the same across the code. Unfortunately, the TypeScript documentation didn't help explain how it exactly helps.

Your article explained straight to the point in a quick time. Kudos!