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Cover image for 🇫🇷 Senate's vote on the registration of abortion rights

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🇫🇷 Senate's vote on the registration of abortion rights

❔ Inception

On a Saturday morning I saw a lot of questions about Senate's vote on the registration of abortion rights.

But people were looking for the data of the vote:

👉 This post is about the answer I gave to this trendy question... with open data & datascience.

🤔 About Women's empowerment

The "fun fact" is that since this data collection I started to focus on the Women's empowerment:

"Overall, woman empowerment aims to create a more equitable and inclusive society where women have the agency, opportunities, and support needed to realize their full potential and contribute to the development of their communities and societies."

Which covers many areas like:

  • Education
  • Economic Independence
  • Healthcare
  • Legal Rights
  • Political Participation
  • Social and Cultural Change

👉 So I decided to create this dedicated series to learn and share on this topic, with datascience tools.

🇺🇳 UN SDGs Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Image description

🍿 Dataset unboxing

🔖 Resources

I basically created two resources:

☝️ Good to mention

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Simone de Beauvoir, “Mémoires d'une jeune fille rangée”

Découvrons le parcours pas si "rangé" d'une brillante jeune fille qui deviendra l'une des grandes figures du féminisme.

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