DEV Community

Udit Sen
Udit Sen

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My Final Project


Demo Link

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Link to Code

#Hover games

Human Computer Interaction

How I built it (what's the stack? did I run into issues or discover something new along the way?)

I and a friend of mine, @vbhv98, built it for our Minor Project Submission in the college. The Tech Stack we used for this project is React for the front-end, Python and Flask for the backend, MongoDB for the database management, HTML, CSS and Javascript in the front-end. The frontend is hosted over Vercel and the backend is hosted over Heroku. Both are hosted under free plans.
We faced many issues while developing this project as we both were new to the framework and we're learning its essentials.

Additional Thoughts / Feelings / Stories

Building the project collaboratively has been a good experience. We started building this project as a substitute for upcoming gaming technologies. Hover Games provide users with an interactive platform where they can play indie games with their hand gestures.

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