DEV Community

Adam Gardner
Adam Gardner

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Python Feature Flags with a Flat JSON File

A while ago I posted on how to add feature flags to a nodeJS application using only a flat file + OpenFeature.

Here's how to do the same thing for Python!

Install Packages

pip install openfeature-provider-flagd
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Create flags.json

Define the feature flag (in this case a single flag called background-colour and save as flags.json:

    "$schema": "",
    "flags": {
      "background-colour": {
        "state": "ENABLED",
        "variants": {
          "white": "#D6D4D2",
          "green": "#73A53E",
          "orange": "#FF7C00",
          "lime": "#D3D309",
          "blue": "#4AB9D9"
        "defaultVariant": "green"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The Code

Save this as

from openfeature import api
from openfeature.contrib.provider.flagd import FlagdProvider
from openfeature.contrib.provider.flagd.config import ResolverType
import time


client = api.get_client("my-app")

while True:

        colour = client.get_string_value(flag_key="background-colour", default_value="NA")
        print(f"The current colour is: {colour}")
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Run Program

Go ahead and start the program: python

This should print the Hex colour value once per second:

The current colour is: #73A53E
The current colour is: #73A53E
The current colour is: #73A53E
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Leave the program running and change the defaultVariant in flags.json from "green" to "lime" (remember to save the changes) and the program should automatically refresh:

The current colour is: #73A53E
The current colour is: #73A53E
The current colour is: #D3D309
The current colour is: #D3D309
The current colour is: #D3D309
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


This method uses the in process evaluation of the open source feature flag system flagd + OpenFeature to build a feature flagging ability in Python.

Find out more about the in process evaluation engine for flagd and OpenFeature here.

Please leave your appreciation by commenting on this post!

Okay, let's go.

Happy coding ❤️

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