DEV Community

Owino Agola
Owino Agola

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Learning Golang (self-taught) I

Go proves to be one of the most promising languages with successful future prospects despite being the youngest in the 'developer community' Learning a new programming language isn't a run in the park, especially if you're an aspiring (self-taught) developer.
It's my second week of learning this new language, and I can attest that I'm intrigued and impressed so far.
It has intrusive capabilities and features compared to other languages that I have encountered in the past. Getting started with Golang as a self-taught wasn't easy at the start until I resorted to the right resources, which eventually enabled me to comprehend the new language.
Besides, the fact that I had knowledge of programming (before I took my Computer Science degree course) worked to my advantage since I could easily wrap my head around its concepts;
Fast forward: my 2-week stay in Golang has proved worthwhile since I have become so confident in my grasp of coding (at a basic level though) using the simplest and fastest language in the 21st century.
And here is everything I've covered so far:

  1. Background history of Golang development a. when it was developed; b. why it was developed; c. its features
  2. Syntactic Structure
  3. Variables
  4. Constants
  5. Operators
  6. Arrays
  7. Slices
  8. Maps
  9. Structs
  10. Functions
  11. Pointers
  12. Loops a. for i. range
  13. Conditional statements a. if b. if else c. else if i. break ii. continue Therefore, I decided to document everything I have covered, at the basic level, before I continue getting deeper and further. I believe this documentation has to play two vital roles:
  14. Help me develop a better grasp of everything I have learned or covered so far. 2. Help in giving another aspiring (or beginner) Golang developer insights into the basics of the language. Part II of this documentation shall be a continuation... from "Background History of Golang Development."

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