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I need feedback on my first website

Ahmad Khalid on January 09, 2024

Hello everyone. I hope you having a good day. I'm Ahmad - 32 yo - from Egypt. I'm currently learning frontend web development and I've completed my...
ctnkaan profile image
Çetin Kaan Taşkıngenç • Edited

It looks quite good for your first project. One recommendation I could give you is to improve your git commit messages. I've seen you make commits like "updated css stuff". This is not a best practice. I used to do commits like these when I first started coding but if you do proper git commits you can show these projects to other developers/recruiters.

I recommend you to check out and use semantic commit messages in the future. You'll get used to it in no time. Keep on coding!

Semantic Git Commits

atinypixel profile image
Aziz Kaukawala

Thank you!

Even after 7+ years, I didn't followed any such commit conventions, recently since ~6 months came across this very semantic doc and started using that. Day and night difference between my commits and 10x more easier to generate work reports etc.

Such small tweaks do result into great outcomes.

Happy Coding.

Best of luck @ahmadkdev for the new journey.

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thank you.

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thanks for your feedback and recommendation. It's really helpful.

chasm profile image
Charles F. Munat

Outstanding. A remarkable effort.

Your thinking may align with mine. You can read more about mine at my website, Craft Code, if curious.

I am particularly impressed that you stuck to vanilla code and didn't rush to React or similar; that you managed 100% across the board on Lighthouse and zero errors on axe DevTools (at AAA WCAG 2.2, no less); and that your code, at first glance, appears to conform to semantic HTML and best practies.

You must have put a lot of thought into this.

So, wow! Welcome to coding! We need more like you. I hope you can maintain this "keep it simple" approach, not adding unnecessary frills or pointless dependencies (as at least one commenter has suggested), and using the built-in Web APIs fully. As Arthur Quiller-Couch said, "murder your darlings".

Will try to keep an eye on your work.

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Can't thank you enough your comment really motivated me to put more effort, and more importantly I knew I'm on the right path. I like your methodologies and It's what I've wanted to achieve and was in doubt I might be wrong because I see over-complicated websites everywhere.
I'm so happy for knowing about your amazing ideas and for your valuable time ❤️

chasm profile image
Charles F. Munat

You're very welcome. Keep up the excellent work.

It does often astonish me how many devs seem to be unclear on the subject. The point of programming is to simplify complex problems, breaking them down into simpler and simpler pieces until they can be easily understood and solved. Yet many devs seem to be obsessed with complicating everything they touch.

I tend to think it's a "boys and their toys" situation – and it is clearly a masculine trait – this love of "techy" solutions. I like tech, too, but I take the opposite approach: start as simple as possible and avoid adding anything not truly necessary: YAGNI.

If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them. And happier still if there are things you can teach me!


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ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

I totally agree with you.

I've also checked your linkedin profile and got overwhelmed by your great work and more importantly your good effect on people around you (I read the reviews section) I'm so happy to know about such a great person like you.

You inspired me a lot and I'm sure I'm going to learn a lot from you.

Thank you!

Thread Thread
chasm profile image
Charles F. Munat

You're very welcome. Now I'm blushing. Thanks.

nikl profile image
Nik L.

Looks good, just a suggestion as a user, perhaps use _blank in hyperlinks to make it open in new tab. For example, a user is checking your portfolio section, and wants to see both code and deployed project at once, he/ she when clicks on any one link first, it is currently opening in same, to check other thing that person needs to go back, adding an additional unnecessary friction.

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Good note. I forgot to add _blank I'll fix it. Thank you.

jennherrarte profile image
Jenn Herrarte

super clean! I don't think you need years of experience for each technology, but that's just my person opinion. I think you have a good eye for design.

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Totally agree. I'm going to change it to something better when I utilize the website for myself. Thank you.

jennherrarte profile image
Jenn Herrarte

I was just reviewing from a job hunting perspective. I think there are better ways to showcase the technologies you work on daily on your resume vs your porfolio. You can pick anything up that you haven't worked with if it's similar to something you've worked with before and I think the rating system might make recruiters forget that because they're just focused on how proficient or not proficient you are. just my take but good job!

fjones profile image

Showing skill level (of some description) on a portfolio page is good (if kept current), and YoE beats self-assigned star ratings any day.

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Actually I find the whole section pointless. For a front-end developer html and css etc is a must-have and no need to mention it. Would be better if it was something like responsive web design or accessibility etc proved e.g. lighthouse scores and wave/axe tools, and ofcourse users' feedback.

kedzior_io profile image
Artur Kedzior


Not bad for the first project!

  • I like the simplicity
  • I like the theme
  • consistent font sizes
  • good separation of sections

Would improve:

  • personally would drop the circle effect from both under the title and over the image
  • I would do logo = h1, intro text = h2, section titles = h3 (and smaller than h2).
  • project links with target blank
  • contact inputs would have them texboxes inputs not lines, they are barely visible

Very nice and keep up the good work!

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thanks for your detailed feedback.
I agree with you on the circle effect it's a bit odd on desktop. I also agree with you on contact inputs they need a better visibility.
I'll rethink heading levels.
again thanks for your valuable time and detailed feedback.

kedzior_io profile image
Artur Kedzior

Good luck fellow developer!

fjones profile image

Interestingly, I think the circle effect works quite well on mobile. Had to switch to desktop to see what you meant - and there I agree, it looks odd.

arindam-sahoo profile image
Arindam Sahoo • Edited

It looks quite good, and impressive as a first project. Just wanted to let you know that the social icons lead to the homepages of the respective websites instead of your profile. Second, there are AI Image Resolution Enhancers to Enhance the Resolution of your Image, because currently because of increasing the size of the image, it got pixelated.

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thanks for your feedback. It's a template page so I chose to put links to homepages of respective websites instead of href="#". Do you think it's a good choice?
And for the image getting pixelated It's also from the template but I'll try to improve it.

best_codes profile image
Best Codes

It would probably be better if the icons lead to your profile on each of those sites (e.g., for me). It would engage users more and plus you might get followers on those places from your website. 😊
Also, I'm not sure if the contact form works… The website is awesome, and I completely understand if it is just a template, and functionality is coming soon. Keep up the good work!

Thread Thread
ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

I'm going to utilize it for myself soon adding my social profiles and hook the contact form to a database. Thanks for your advices.

fjones profile image

Unless you plan to add profile links, I would recommend just omitting the social media links (and - personal preference - if there's fewer than three, don't use icon lists).

Thread Thread
ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

I'm going to utilize it for myself soon adding my social profiles. Thanks for your advices.

renancferro profile image
Renan Ferro

Nice work @ahmadkdev , I liked it!

For a second stage, I think you could add some things, like:

  • Animations
  • Accessibility

I think these two things can make your website cooler!

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thank you. I totally agree with you and for accessibility I already did the bare minimum but I intend to extend it by testing it manually e.g. using just the keyboard. It's on my ToDo list.

sarahs profile image
Sarah Schlueter

Well done! Thank you for sharing!

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thank you for your good words.

best_codes profile image
Best Codes

Your website looks great! If you need any ideas, here's mine:

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thank you. Your website looks great too.

elanatframework profile image
Elanat Framework

The client side design is very good. We have added a good article for website coordination in back-end frameworks. If you want to add a back-end to your website, read the article at the link below:

How to Use a Ready-Made Website in Back-End Framework

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

This is really helpful. Thank you.

ranjancse profile image
Ranjan Dailata

Looks amazing.

One advice, please try to follow the UI/UX design practices or guidelines. You may follow -

Also, please update your live demo with the valid social links. I understand that you have created it for the demo purposes, however it's always good to have a realistic data so folks can contact you :)

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thanks for your feedback. I'm still discovering UI/UX design practices and guidelines. I'm going to utilize the website soon for myself and add my details.

adhurimgervalla profile image

very cool website.
I would try to integrate some elegant animations. Even just adding at least transitions to the hover effects already helps. I would also make the projects link tags "_blank". Otherwise good job.

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thank you. Two good points on my ToDo list.

fnh profile image
Fabian Holzer

Your social links don't point to your profiles, and if the budget is not too tight, you should consider to pay for a own domain.

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thanks for your good points. Already on my ToDo list.

matteosant_dev profile image
Matteo Santoro Dev

Your website is very clean and pleasant, minimal, and quick to load. It has good responsiveness.

I would suggest improving it by adding some transitions on mouse hover.

A more pleasant feedback should be given when scrolling through the page.

A few lightweight animations wouldn't hurt.

Consider adding a button for quick scrolling to the top.

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thanks for your valuable time and detailed feedback. I've put your points on my ToDo list they're good notices.

irandeeprana profile image
Randeep Rana

Good work Ahmad, All the best for your future endeavours🎉

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thank you for your kind words 🙏

ms2052001 profile image
Mohammed Samir

Awesome website. My experience is little compared to yours But I noticed two tiny improvements that can be made:

  1. More subtle colour for the placeholders of the input field of the "Contact" form
  2. More spacing between cells in the skills section "Accessibility" is so close to "React" in a viewport width = 768px
vormand2 profile image

Congratulations on your debut website! Impressed by the layout and design. Any specific areas you'd like feedback on?

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thank you for your kind words 🙏 and for now I'll improve my code based on the feedback I've received and I'll mention you if you don't mind ☺️

vormand2 profile image

Not at all.
You must mention me. [visit ]

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thank you. I'll consider your point.

leob profile image

Simply gorgeous ... "responsive" also works well ... great job !

pritom627 profile image
Pritom Acharya

Thats a wonderful portfolio. Loved it.

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thank you for your kind words

keishametcalf profile image

Keep up the good work on providing valuable content to your audience. Thanks for sharing. CBTFEXCH777

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thank you for your good words 🙏

bolteio profile image
ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

I was trying to open the links on mobile and I got nothing but I was able to open them on desktop
I see your point here so firstly I appreciate the codercoder and I did mentioned her great tutorials on readme file on github and I've learned alot from her.
For this challenge I challenged myself to complete it on my own and I've changed my code decisions multiple times as I read and learn new things.
So I'll ask you nicely to do some effort and to look into the code and compare before you leave a negative comment like this 🙂

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Both links are broken. And I don't get your point. Would you explain more? Thank you.

monte0920 profile image
Monte Cristo

Looks very nice!

When i think this is your first website, it's really better than me.
My first website was poor than it :)
I hope you will be good programmer soon.

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thank you. I've checked your github and it looks great. I'm going to learn a lot from your work.

antidisestablishmentarianism profile image

I laughed, I cried, it became a part of me. 😀

jagedn profile image

really fast, well done

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thank you.

jad89al profile image

keep going

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thank you.

davidhubber profile image
David Hubber


ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thank you.

pulimoodan profile image
Akbar Ali

It looks like you're already a pro in design. Great future ahead.

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thank you.

mattg0 profile image
Matt Goodwin

Love the look and feel of this site! Would be amazing for the graphics the be animated on the screen! One for the future maybe...

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thank you. Good point already on my ToDo list.

shravzzv profile image
Sai Shravan Vadla

It's really good.

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thank you.

codingjlu profile image

Looks beautiful. One tip: add CSS transitions. The UX will be much more seamless if colors and elements are moving smoothly, not jumping to a new random state; it's also much more visually pleasing.

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thank you. I agree with you and it's on my ToDo list.

jamieer profile image


ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thank you.

riddhesh profile image

Wonderful design and theme. Do update us on the progress you make. Good job on a first project

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

I will. Thank you for your kind words.

nickor profile image

A cool cursor effect would add some liveliness to the site.

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

I agree and it's on my ToDo list. Thank you.

waleedboss7 profile image


grigerratia profile image

Está perfecto man.

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Muchas gracias.

anderson_vlad profile image
Vlad Anderson

it's quite impressive for your first project.

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thank you.

jhvanderschee profile image
Joost van der Schee

Do you 'need feedback', or are you happy to receive positive comments? The latter probably... well done!

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

As a beginner I actually need both, feedback so I can know my weaknesses and improve it, and positive comments so I feel confident about my code.
Thank you

dsaga profile image
Dusan Petkovic

Interesting, any plans to utilize this template to make it your own?

Change the content and have it serve as the actual portfolio for you?


ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

I'm going to utilize it once I have some projects to show so it won't be an empty portfolio page. Thanks for your feedback.

shrihari profile image
Shrihari Mohan

The social links just opens websites instead of your social profilez. Looks great!

lelanddieno profile image
Leland Dieno

I like it! Strictly from a front-end UX and design perspective. Its quick, its well designed.

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thank you for your kind words.

kesareakku profile image

awesome buddy it very good ☺ 🔥 🔥

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thank you buddy

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