As we're focusing more on design, Material Design is a hot topic here. Google's Material Library ( ) created a huge impact in this area. Today I'm going to discuss one of the most used elements in the design, the CardView.
Google has introduced a new version of CardView called MaterialCardView . Both CardView and MaterialCardView could be used in the same cases and they look pretty similar. But there is still a vast difference in both design and functionality.
Let's start with some background data about these twos-
Previously, CardView was provided by Android Support Library ( But with the latest migration to Andoridx, now it is provided by Androidx (androidx.cardview.widget.CardView) Library. CardView is created by extending the FrameLayout.
This is introduced with Google Material Library ( It is provided by Material Components Library ( MaterialCardView is created by extending the CardView.
MaterialCardView has all the elements of CardView with its extra features. Here is a list containing the differences-
- Stroke Color and Stroke Width can be added to MaterialCardView which wasn't possible using CardView.
- MaterialCardView is Checkable. Check icon, color, and position can be set in MaterialCardView. Check conditions can be called also. This will be really useful as CardView has a huge usage in lists and grids.
- Ripple Color can be set to MaterialCardView which is not available in CardView.
Code Example
<androidx.cardview.widget.CardView | |
android:layout_width="match_parent" | |
android:layout_height="match_parent" | |
app:cardBackgroundColor="" | |
app:cardCornerRadius="" | |
app:cardElevation="" | |
app:cardMaxElevation="" | |
app:cardPreventCornerOverlap="" | |
app:cardUseCompatPadding="" | |
app:contentPadding="" | |
app:contentPaddingBottom="" | |
app:contentPaddingLeft="" | |
app:contentPaddingRight="" | |
app:contentPaddingTop=""/> |
< | |
android:layout_width="match_parent" | |
android:layout_height="match_parent" | |
android:checkable="" | |
android:clickable="" | |
android:focusable="" | |
app:cardBackgroundColor="" | |
app:cardCornerRadius="" | |
app:cardElevation="" | |
app:cardMaxElevation="" | |
app:cardPreventCornerOverlap="" | |
app:cardUseCompatPadding="" | |
app:checkedIcon="" | |
app:checkedIconGravity="" | |
app:checkedIconSize="" | |
app:contentPadding="" | |
app:contentPaddingBottom="" | |
app:contentPaddingLeft="" | |
app:contentPaddingRight="" | |
app:contentPaddingTop="" | |
app:strokeColor="" | |
app:strokeWidth="" | |
app:shapeAppearance="" | |
app:cardForegroundColor="" | |
app:checkedIconMargin="" | |
app:checkedIconTint="" | |
app:rippleColor="" | |
app:shapeAppearanceOverlay="" | |
app:state_dragged="" /> |
Thanks for reading. Have a good day.
More- CuteLibs Projects, CuteDialog
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