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Francesco Sardone
Francesco Sardone

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Discovering With GitHub Explore



Hey there! I'm Francesco known as Airscript on the web.
Today I want to share with you what is GitHub Explore and how you can use it for discovering magic things on it!


In order to use GitHub Explore you don't need anything else except your browser.
I just recommend you make a personal GitHub account to take out the best out of it in terms of feeds.

How To Access It

In order to access Explore, we have different ways.
I'll just divide them by ease of access spacing from simple URL to the actual button inside the UI.

If you don't have an account on GitHub, the easiest way to reach it, it's by just simply going to

Unauthenticated GitHub Explore

The other way you can do it, it's via authenticated access.
While logged in, go to GitHub and on the bottom right portion you'll find something like this section:

Dashboard Explore Shortcut

Just click over Explore more and voilà, you're inside it.

Of course, there are other ways to go inside of it, but here we're listing only a few ways to do that.


Now that we know how to enter it, let's just look at Explore!
As we have seen in the other images in the previous section, we have a lot of things to check out.
In this section we'll be looking at Explore tab.
This specific part is useful for having a quick overview over everything we'll be seeing in other tabs.

At left we can see our starred topics, at the center the heart of Explore, i.e. repositories and on the right trending stuff.
Just by looking at this and scrolling you'll be finding, eventually, cool stuff to look over and try out!

Explore Repositories

An example of feed from Explore.


Let's imagine that you like a certain topic and you want to build a feed over it.
Instead of just cherry-picking best projects, GitHub Explore gives you the possibility to star a topic.
In this way you can have everything related to a topic straight up in your feeds without any effort!

Explore Topics


The Trending section is one of my most preferred ones and the one that will make your next fabulous project practically viral.
If you end up here, you made it.

The reasons on why I just prefer this section is because you can find really good projects that can change you workflow in better, giving something you never heard about!

It is also divided by both repositories and you can also pick some developers to look for.

Explore Trending Repositories

These are trending repositories.

Explore Trending Developers

These are trending developers.


Maybe you're just wondering that a topic cannot cover completely a specific theme or that a trending repository is only one about a big pool of things that concerns, for example, learning to code.
No worries on that! We got collections.

Collections, as the name suggests, are simply specific collections about a specific theme.
One example that comes to my mind is repositories made in your country and so on.

Explore Collections


This section is relevant to open source related events and here, if you like the subject, you can find something really amazing.
For example, in this period of time when I'm writing, GitHub itself is organizing GitHub Universe!

Explore Events

GitHub Sponsors

The last section is dedicated to GitHub Sponsors.
If you don't know what it is, it's simply the sponsor program made by GitHub in order to give value to developers contributing to open source.
We'll be making a deep focus on this matter, don't you worry.
Here you can practically check who's behind the libraries you use in your projects and eventually you can donate to them...and I highly suggest you do it.

Explore GitHub Sponsors


So, we are at the end of this post from GitHub series.
We have checked how to access GitHub Explore, what are basically Explore, Topics, Trending, Collections, Events and GitHub Sponsors and what you can do with them!
If you integrate this tool in your dailies, I can assure you will find something that will change your life for the better.

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If you want to make me even happier, just follow, share or star me and my projects on GitHub.

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