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Rova Ranaivo
Rova Ranaivo

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CSS's :root Variables. Use it!

CSS's :root selector lets you define global variables that can be used in your stylesheets. These variables, also known as custom CSS properties, provide a convenient way of storing and reusing values, making your stylesheets more modular and easier to maintain.

1. Defining :root variables

To define a :root variable, use the :root selector followed by the variable name and value, surrounded by double dashes (--).
Here is an example:

:root {
  --primary-color: #fff;
  --font-size: 14px;
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2. Using :root Variables

To use a :root variable, you can refer to it using the var() function and the variable name, as following:

body {
  color: var(--primary-color);
  font-size: var(--font-size);
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3. Overriding :root Variables

You can override :root variables at any point in your stylesheets by redefining them. This flexibility allows you to update the variable value globally, affecting all the styles that rely on it.

4. Benefits of :root Variables

  • Reusability: Use variables throughout your stylesheets, reducing code duplication.
  • Consistency: Maintain a consistent look and feel by centralizing values in variables.
  • Dynamic Updates: Change variable values dynamically, resulting in global style changes.

Using :root variables in CSS is a powerful way of defining and reusing values in your style sheets. By centralizing your values and making them easily modifiable, you can improve code maintenance, achieve consistent styling and create more flexible designs.

Remember to update your stylesheets to take advantage of :root variables and enjoy the benefits they provide in your CSS development process.

Top comments (1)

moinulmoin profile image
Moinul Moin

Awesome work, Rova. Keep it up!