Recently I decided to introduce a number of changes into my life. I decided to get up earlier and have regular sleep schedule, I am learning to play bass guitar, I am reading books every day etc. But more on that in another post ;) This post is about coding! And yes, I also decided to code every day, and to get myself started I decided to begin #100DaysOfCode challenge!
My goals
As my first goal, I decided to complete a challenge from Frontend Mentor. I selected a pretty advanced challenge with level 5 (Guru) difficulty - Link-sharing app. I don't really think it is that difficult, but it contains quite a lot of different elements, so it's definitely not a 1-day challenge.
My main objectives are:
- create a responsive layout according to the provided mockups (I may introduce slight changes, because I don't like how few things are handled)
- Write unit and integration tests
- Take care of a11y (accessibility)
- Try to use the features from newest versions of Angular like signals or standalone components
- In the future I may also consider creating backend app for this project, but for now I only plan to do the frontend.
On weekdays I am usually spending on coding about 1 hour a day, in the morning before work. On weekends I am currently aiming for around 3 hours, but I might try to extend that time.
Week 1 progress
This week I've been working mostly on login and registration pages, but there was also a lot of work put into things that will save me a lot of work later on. For example I created this really cool input component along with styles for active and invalid states.

And this is how the whole layout looks like!
Login page
Create account page
I also created an auth service to handle login and register requests, but it just stores the data on the frontend. As I mentioned before I am not building backend for this app for now. I also didn't care at all for testing and a11y for now. I will do that soon, but first I need to refresh my knowledge on these topics, so I'm pushing with other topics in the meantime. If you know any good resources, I'm very open for recommendations!
Thank you for reading this post! For now it's just a quick summary as a lot of things are still in progress, and I plan to cover them in larger detail, when they are fully finished. But in the meantime feel free to check my Github repository to see how things are implemented!
If you have any suggestion and a request to cover specific topic, please feel free to comment! See you in the next update :)
Top comments (10)
I am also doing this challenge, it is a great way to learn. Very cool n_n
Good luck with the challenge then! What day are you on?
Hello Aleksandra, where do I go to find the 100 days of code? Thanks
Here's the link to the original challenge:
Although I don't follow it to the T, and just using it in general as a motivation to code as often as I can :)
Hello, Aleksandra!
I appreciated your writing style and how the post is organized clear and concise. Thanks for sharing your first-week experiences. Soon I'd like to start the #100DaysOfCode too. Keep writing!
Thanks! And good luck with your challenge as well :)
How exciting! You can do it! ✨
Thank you :)
Day 13 Today
I'm on day 8, so you're 5 days ahead of me then :)