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Ajit Singh
Ajit Singh

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Deployement in supabase storage

Supabase Storage how deployment works

Let's break down the deployment aspects of this Supabase Storage repository, focusing on how the various tools connect in the docker-compose.yml files, their interactions. We'll try to cover the full operations side of the repository.

Deployment Overview

The repository provides several Docker Compose files to manage different deployment scenarios, primarily focusing on:

  • docker-compose.yml: This file sets up a single-tenant environment with a PostgreSQL database, a connection pooler (pgBouncer), a MinIO S3-compatible storage, and the Storage API itself.
  • docker-compose-multi-tenant.yml: This file sets up a multi-tenant environment, adding a multi-tenant database, Supavisor (a connection pooler and proxy for multi-tenant Postgres), MinIO, and the Storage API (configured for multi-tenancy).
  • ./.docker/docker-compose-infra.yml: Defines the basic infrastructure components shared between the single-tenant and multi-tenant setups.
  • ./.docker/docker-compose-monitoring.yml: Defines the basic monitoring components shared between the single-tenant and multi-tenant setups.

Component Interaction in docker-compose.yml (Single-Tenant):

Here's a breakdown of the services defined in docker-compose.yml and their interactions:

  1. storage (Supabase Storage API):
  • Image: supabase/storage-api:latest
  • Purpose: This is the core service that provides the Storage API, handling object storage logic, auth, etc.
  • Ports: Exposes port 5000 for incoming HTTP requests.
  • Dependencies: Depends on tenant_db, pg_bouncer, and minio_setup. It requires the tenant database to be ready and migrations to be run, also requires a bucket on the S3 compatible provider before starting; that's why minio_setup is a dependency here.

    Environment Variables

    • SERVER_PORT: 5000: the exposed port on the container
    • AUTH_JWT_SECRET: JWT secret to validate requests
    • AUTH_JWT_ALGORITHM: Algorithm to use with the JWT library
    • DATABASE_URL: Connection URL to PostgreSQL
    • DATABASE_POOL_URL: Connection URL to pgBouncer connection pooler
    • DB_INSTALL_ROLES: true: Indicates if roles need to be installed on the database (if it is set to false, it needs to be managed outside of the application)
    • STORAGE_BACKEND: s3: which type of backend to use (s3 or file)
    • STORAGE_S3_BUCKET: Name of the S3 bucket to use
    • STORAGE_S3_ENDPOINT: S3 endpoint to use
    • STORAGE_S3_FORCE_PATH_STYLE: true: If true, uses the path instead of subdomains
    • STORAGE_S3_REGION: S3 bucket region
    • IMAGE_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED: "true": Enables or disables image transformations
    • IMGPROXY_URL, IMGPROXY_REQUEST_TIMEOUT: Configuration for the imgproxy URL and timeout
    • S3_PROTOCOL_ACCESS_KEY_ID and S3_PROTOCOL_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET: If the access key or secret are set on the request, those values will be used instead of the static AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
    • S3_PROTOCOL_ALLOWS_SERVICE_KEY_AS_SECRET: if true, allows using service keys as secrets
  • Functionality: This is the core of the storage engine; it uses various libraries from the repo, in particular:

    • The database classes such as TenantConnection to connect to the database
    • The Storage class to interact with the database and the underlying storage
    • All the auth validations using jwt and apikey plugins
    • Registers all the TUS, object, bucket, S3, and render HTTP endpoints
  1. tenant_db (PostgreSQL Database):
  • Image: postgres:15
  • Purpose: Provides the PostgreSQL database that stores the buckets, objects, and file metadata
  • Ports: Exposes port 5432 for database access
  • Healthcheck: Check if the service is healthy using pg_isready
  • Environment:
  1. pg_bouncer (pgBouncer Connection Pooler):
  • Image: bitnami/pgbouncer:latest
  • Purpose: Manages a pool of connections to the PostgreSQL database. This helps in preventing database connection overload when a large number of connections come at once and also allows for transaction-level pooling
  • Ports: Exposes port 6432 for connections from the storage service
  • Environment:
    • PGBOUNCER_POOL_MODE: Sets the pool mode to transaction, which is recommended for serverless or edge environments
    • PGBOUNCER_IGNORE_STARTUP_PARAMETERS: List of parameters to ignore on startup
    • PGBOUNCER_STATS_USERS: Users that are able to query stats
  1. minio (MinIO S3-Compatible Storage):
  • Image: minio/minio
  • Purpose: Provides a local S3-compatible object storage that the Storage API will use
  • Ports: Exposes ports 9000 (API) and 9001 (console)
  • Healthcheck: Check if the service is healthy via TCP connection
  • Environment:
  • Command: server --console-address ":9001" /data starts the server in the defined port, exposing the console and also where the files are located
  1. minio_setup (MinIO Setup):
  • Image: minio/mc
  • Purpose: Configures MinIO by setting up an alias and creating a bucket
  • Dependencies: Depends on minio
  • Entrypoint: Runs the mc command to create a bucket in MinIO
  1. imgproxy:
    • Image: darthsim/imgproxy
    • Purpose: Handles image transformation using the imgproxy project
    • Ports: Exposes port 8080 for incoming requests
    • Volumes: The local folder data is mapped to the Docker folder /images/data
    • Environment:
      • IMGPROXY_WRITE_TIMEOUT and IMGPROXY_READ_TIMEOUT: Sets the read and write timeout for image operations
      • IMGPROXY_REQUESTS_QUEUE_SIZE: The requests to the queue size
      • IMGPROXY_LOCAL_FILESYSTEM_ROOT: The root folder where images are stored
      • IMGPROXY_USE_ETAG: Enable the usage of ETag when available
      • IMGPROXY_ENABLE_WEBP_DETECTION: Enable detection of WebP format images

Component Interaction in docker-compose-multi-tenant.yml (Multi-Tenant):

This configuration includes all of the above plus additional services for multi-tenancy:

  1. multitenant_db (PostgreSQL Database):
  • Image: postgres:15
  • Purpose: Manages the database schema for multiple tenants. It stores metadata and configuration information for each tenant
  • Ports: Exposes port 5433 for database access
  • Healthcheck: Check if the service is healthy using pg_isready
  • Environment:
  • Configs: Loads the SQL schema on /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.sql
  1. supavisor (Supavisor Connection Pooler and Proxy):
  • Image: supabase/supavisor:latest
  • Purpose: Acts as a connection pooler and proxy for routing database connections in a multi-tenant setup. It will have a pool of connections for each tenant
  • Ports: Exposes ports 4000 (API), 5452 (session), and 6543 (transaction)
  • Dependencies: multitenant_db, tenant_db
  • Healthcheck: Check if the service is healthy by pinging http://localhost:4000/api/health

    - PORT, PROXY_PORT_SESSION, PROXY_PORT_TRANSACTION: Supavisor port configuration

    - DATABASE_URL: Connection URL to the multi-tenant database

    - CLUSTER_POSTGRES: "true": Enable clustered PostgreSQL configuration

    - SECRET_KEY_BASE, VAULT_ENC_KEY, API_JWT_SECRET, METRICS_JWT_SECRET, REGION: Other environment variables needed for the application

  • Command: Migrates the Supavisor data structure with /app/bin/migrate and then
    starts the server with /app/bin/server

  1. supavisor_setup (Supavisor Setup):
    • Image: supabase/supavisor:latest
    • Purpose: Sets up an initial tenant in the Supavisor database
    • Dependencies: Depends on supavisor
    • Command: Creates the tenant inside the Supavisor database via an HTTP PUT request

The Role of MinIO, pgBouncer, and Supavisor

  • MinIO: Acts as a local object storage system that is used by the Storage Service; it allows easy setup and use without the need for a cloud provider. The Storage Service uses a local bucket supa-storage-bucket as a default to store files.
  • pgBouncer: Reduces the number of direct connections to the PostgreSQL database using connection pooling, which helps in preventing database overload and allows for maintaining a healthy database connection. It also enables transaction-level pooling. This is a single connection pooler, which is used only for the storage application.
  • Supavisor: Supavisor is a multi-tenant connection pooler that connects to the multi-tenant database and acts as a proxy for all the tenant databases. It uses a database to handle connection pooling and manage tenants.


The repository also contains additional configurations and tooling that are important for monitoring:

  • .docker/docker-compose-monitoring.yml: This file sets up monitoring tools such as:

    • pg_bouncer_exporter: Exports metrics from pgBouncer
    • postgres_exporter: Exports metrics from PostgreSQL
    • prometheus: Collects all the metrics from services like storage, PostgreSQL, and Supavisor
    • grafana: Used for visualizing collected data from Prometheus, and it has a set of dashboards that you can use for monitoring storage, PostgreSQL, and Supavisor
    • jaeger: This is a collector for traces that are created on the application
    • otel-collector: This is a collector for traces
  • .github/workflows/: This directory includes GitHub Actions workflow to automate build, test, release, deployment, and documentation tasks

  • .releaserc: This file defines release configurations for semantic-release

Deployment Process Summary

  1. Local Development: For local development docker-compose-infra.yml is used to create all the shared services.
  2. Production Deployment: In production, the storage service should be deployed in a cloud environment using a database and an S3-compatible object store.
    • The Docker images used for the deployments are built using the workflow defined on .github/workflows/release.yml, which are then published to Docker Hub and GHCR.
    • mirror.yml is used to mirror the newly published versions on different providers.
  3. Multi-Tenant Configuration: When setting up multi-tenancy:
    • Create a multitenant database.
    • Set up a Supavisor instance.
    • Use the admin API to create a new tenant specifying all configurations needed.
    • The infra scripts can be used to restart and deploy the basic infrastructure.
  4. Monitoring:
    • The docker-compose-monitoring.yml is used to create the monitoring services.

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