Open your project folder
install pipenv
on cmd: pip install pipenv
Install git ( check git --version)
Install Heroku CLI (Heroku Command Line Interface)
Can be installed from 'Getting Started on Heroku with Python' web page.
After installing, open cmd and enter 'Heroku login' and enter login credentials same as our Heroku account login.
This will log in Heroku, which is a sign that Heroku is properly installed on our computer.
Create a virtual environment
Virtual environment isolates our project. Anything we install within the virtual environment does not affect the rest
of the computer and vice-versa.
on cmd: vitualenv . (to install virtual environment)
Activate the virtual environment by running activate.bat files within the scripts folder.
Check which version Django, requests you have and install it
On cmd: pip install django==2.1.11 (to install Django on our virtual environment)
On cmd: pip install requests==2.19.1 (to install requests package on our virtual environment)
Run and then stop it
on cmd: python runserver (this runs our project locally)
Now Django Heroku requires Procfile
type 'web: gunicorn projectname.wsgi' on Procfile
Install gunicorn
On cmd: pip install gunicorn
*'gunicorn' is required by Heroku to run our website on the server.
Install django-heroku
On cmd: pip install django-heroku
Add stuff to file
Add the following import statement to the top of
import django_heroku
Then add the following to the bottom of
Activate Django-Heroku.
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Whenever we upload something to Heroku, it goes to requirements.txt file and it installs the requirements on the server.
On cmd: pip freeze (this displays the packages needed on the Heroku server.
On cmd: pip freeze > requirements.txt (this creates a new file on your project folder which contains all the requirements
that are needed by Heroku to install.
To create an app on heroku
On cmd: Heroku create subdomainname (choose the name as you wish)
This creates the app with the name you give. This can be verified by opening our Heroku account dashboard.
git status git commands
git init
This creates a .git folder on our project folder that means git is initialized.
- git status
This shows all the folders that are not added to git.
- git add -all
This adds all the files to git.
- git commit -m "commit message"
This commits all folders to git.
- Now we have to set remote to Heroku using below command.
heroku git:remote -a subdomainname
- git push heroku master
This command pushes files to Heroku server.
Open up the website from on the browser.
Admin panel not working. heroku run bash. Migrations
Now create superuser to access admin panel. To create superuser follow below steps:
On cmd: heroku run bash (This will give access to files uploaded on Heroku Server)
bash gives access to files uploaded in Heroku server.
$ls - shows directories inside Linux
$python migrate (runs migrations)
$python createsuperuser (To create superuser)
- Now we can log in to administrator panel using below link
- To update any files on the project (ex: HTML pages) and push changes to Heroku server
On cmd: git status (shows updated or new files added)
git add -all
git commit -m "commit message"
git push heroku master
Now your web app is live on Heroku Server
*** THANK YOU ***
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