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The things a beginner programmer must know or beginner's problem part 1


I've been attempting to assist new programmers in their learning and problem-solving for a while as I've observed their development as programmers. Additionally, I enjoy analyzing how they have grown and developed since I find it fascinating. I've now made the decision to inform the public of the findings of my investigation. I believe that a lot of people will find this material useful. The most important issues and abilities that novice programmers must be aware of or understand are highlighted and explained in this article.

Disclaimer: All the ideas and words in the text are the results of my analysis and my personal beliefs, which have developed as a result of my extended observations. I don't want to disparage, belittle, or stereotype any of the things or themes addressed in this post!

1. Having an individual viewpoint and worldview.

This requirement, if it can even be called that, is straightforward and essential. Right now, our country needs this. The main cause is that many people at the basic level lack personal ideas on a wide range of issues, and instead base their decisions on those of others. That is why I questioned. Work on broadening your perspective of the world and refining your personal ideas before you begin programming.

Analysis of the issue: When I spoke with at least 50 to 60 novice programmers, I found that their personal perspectives on both programming and everyday issues were lacking. Out of 15-20 people with a personal opinion and a broader worldview, almost all of them found their place in the field faster and are still developing well.

Solution: Books, documentaries on various subjects, conversations with individuals or watching interviews, and many sources of travel information (Podcasts, Videos, etc.). Analyze the data you are given.Without believing that so-and-so spoke (Please make me post like this too)! . Develop rational thinking.

2. To communicate an issue and identify a solution or an answer to an inquiry.

I don't have an answer

This subject is regarded as one of the most current ones in existence today. There are frequently questions with the same template answers, numerous off-topic questions, and low-quality questions in many open programming communities. As if that weren't enough, topics that have nothing to do with the subject at hand are brought up.

Analysis's finding and the source of the issue: In at least 70–85% of instances, the subject of conversations in community groups is repeated. In many communities in particular, this repetition rate is very high. Please use the analysis to persuade me. There are many causes and contributing factors to this situation, but the main one is that world has an excessive number of inexperienced programmers and few resources available in other languages like uzbek other asian... It makes sense from this perspective that this would be the case. But there is another side of the coin. Professionals with experience find the situation monotonous and repetitive.

Solution:Despite the fact that this sentence has been repeated ad nauseam, the answer is to learn a foreign language.

Start by conducting an English or Russian Internet search for answers to your questions. Finding solutions to many problems also involves putting the issue in writing so that Google can understand it. In 95–98% of cases, if the question is written correctly, you will receive a response. In about 50–60% of cases, if you do thorough research, you will find a good response. Work on improving your reporting abilities concurrently. Reports are available on Stackowerflow github. Even when you ask a question to Google in a community, the more precisely you state the issue or question, the better the response you will receive!

3. Just search and try

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Not only at the beginning, but also at many of my colleagues, I reached this conclusion. Most people do not search because they are simply interested in a subject. He never conducts research on a subject without a purpose. When something needs to be done or a problem arises, it is sought after. This situation, in my opinion, is totally at odds with engineering.

Analysis's finding and the source of the issue: Some people seem to lack the time for any research because they are difficult to discipline or have other justifications. In the following circumstances, the majority of programmers are searching for something:

1.If you have a problem or need a solution

2.Before the interview

3.When someone asks a question, there is no answer

4.If levelup is near :)

5.And if there is some kind of motivation that is considered serious.

Solution:Make it a daily ritual to read up on programming-related topics, do some research on them, and experiment. Consider taking an hour. Let's just start by introducing ourselves from various topics related to the field; if you've only recently learned programming, look for OOP or other paradigms. What they are, why they are important, how to use them, sample projects, articles or books on the subject. Generally speaking, the primary drivers and causes of your constant search are:

1.You might come across such an issue one day.

2.You'll gain more life experience and perspective.

3.A piece of engineering culture will be yours.

4.There are countless additional reasons, but the main one is that our field is a scientific one and that research is something we must always do.

4. Don't just watch the video!

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The majority of new programmers actually hardly ever read the documentation and instead prefer to learn from a video or a live person. But that's not entirely accurate. You must broaden the range of information you consume, so include books, articles, podcasts, and meetups in your daily routine.

Analytical finding and root of the issue: Almost 80–90% of people have read no more than 3–4 books, according to conversations with colleagues with up to 5 years of experience. For no apparent reason, 75% did not read the article. Because of this circumstance, knowledge does not grow on its own.

Solution: As I already stated, it is always important to give something some thought, research, and time before using it in practice.

5.Pet projects

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Because knowledge is tested in practice, pet projects are crucial at this stage. It demands serious consideration. Place your own projects on your Github profile. Try cloning something if project ideas are not forthcoming. If you only need to work on short-term, simple projects, you will become stagnant and unable to advance.

Analysis's finding and the issue's root: Only about 15% of developers with 12 to 18 months of experience work on side projects. that they independently created (can be a clone). The majority of Bor's projects were completed while he was taking the course; no projects were completed outside of the course. Practical inexperience results from this.

Solution: Try completing more small tasks or sections of larger tasks. It can appear differently depending on the style. Simply put, you must produce. Experience should be gained through action, which develops the imagination.

There are actually a lot more issues than just these. But for the time being, try to make decisions based on this knowledge. Comment any modifications and differences.I appreciate you paying attention.

Happy Coding ! :)

Top comments (1)

shkuvandikov profile image

Great advices.