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Skeleton content loading animation in android | Facebook Shimmer

Facebook Shimmer

What is Facebook Shimmer?

Today we are going to see what is Facebook shimmer and how to use it?
See below example to understand Facebook shimmer.

content loading animation

The Facebook shimmer is used to show or indicate the user that the content is loading from somewhere which takes sometimes so that users need to wait. While content is loading, it is necessary to show the user an indication that content is loading and it is bad practice to leave screen blank which confuses user what is happening in the app or maybe the user thinks the app is hanging.

How to use Facebook Shimmer

So enough talking, let do some code on how to make content loading animation using facebook shimmer library. See below facebook shimmer android example

To use facebook shimmer first we need to add the dependency to your project. See below to add facebook shimmer dependency.

dependencies {
implementation 'com.facebook.shimmer:shimmer:0.5.0'


After adding dependency, let's create our layout. For demo purposes, we are creating our layout some like below.

Read the full article here: Facebook Shimmer

Thanks and good luck.

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