Theorem: Distributed systems can only guarantee 2 out of 3: CAP.
C - Consistency - If two requests are made from different sources against different "nodes" off the distributed store, you will get the same data returned.
A - Availability - If two requests are made from different sources against different "nodes" off the distributed store, you will get a response.
P - Partition Tolerance - If nodes are disconnected, the system will continue to work. Assumed as constant in distributed systems.
DB Types
CA Database - Consistent and Available
Not partition tolerant.
Databases - SQL: PostgreSQL and MySQL.
AP Database - Available and Partition Tolerant
Access to the same dataset but no guarantee every request will receive the same response.
Databases - NoSQL: Mongo and HBase
CP Database - Consistent and Partition Tolerant
Guaranteed that every request receives the same response.
Databases: Spanner, Dynamo, Cosmos and Cockroach
Implementing Consistency
Foundations: Raft and MVCC
Distributed Consensus Algorithm provides atomic writes and consistent reads.
Raft Leader
- Leader is elected
- Coordinates all writes, proposes commands to followers
- Only allowed to serve authoritative up-to-date
Atomic Writes(Replication)
Commands are proposed to the Raft Leader replica and distributed to followers but only accepted when a quorum of followers have acknowledged receiving it. This helps with consistency.
Multiversion concurrency control - MVCC
Ensures consistent data is always present without any overlap for transactions.
Applying CAP in real world for comprehension
Two ATMs support 3 operations: withdraw, deposit and check balance. These ATMs don't have a central database.
Prioritizing Consistency - The ATM may refuse to accept deposits or withdraws when there is a partition. This leads to a sad customer.
Prioritizing Availability - The customer can withdraw the full balance from both ATMs when there is a partition. This leads to a negative balance.
This is just a high level overview on the CAP theorem. The world is more complex than this. CAP theorem assumes there is a partition, but if there isn't, we also have latency vs consistency in the PACELC theorem.
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