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Phase-4 FlatIron

In this phase we were able to set up the backend using Flask and SQLAlchemy. This allow us to connect the frontend with the backend and have our tables updated.

The best part about learning Flask-SQLAlchemy was running the seed file. When running the seed file it allowed us to test our data with our table and the introduction of using faker was very helpful but it saves so much time when trying to update our data and see if the backend is working. While my time during this phase was us still using python and incorporating Flask-SQLAlchemy with CRUD we were able to use Postman to test our data. I was further able to understand the relationship between classes when it came to one to many and many to many relationships. At first it is tricky trying to figure out what model has a one to many and many to many relationship. So when testing our data we had to use serilaization rules in order to to avoid recursion errors.

Towards the end of this phase when working with this project it allowed us fully use CRUD. While doing the project it allowed us to see when a user makes a user by registering we were able to use cookies and bcrypt which allowed us to save the users session if they was to close the website and come back to stay logged in until they sign out. When using Flask we use validations to make sure a user name, password, and emails is unique. Overall learning python, flask, and SQLAlchemy this allowed me to understand how a application works on establishing a database to hold our data and understand the relationship between different models to our table.

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