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Here to learn - Some of the reasons why I chose SE.

For the last 10+ years I've been making a living out of photography and filmmaking. Most would say that it's a great privilege to be able to live out of your passion, and while I partly agree, I believe that statement is not entirely truthy.

In a perfect scenario, my clients would pay me good money to travel the World making incredible photographs or give me the budget that would allow me to invest years of my time to make an edgy documentary. But truth been told, the majority of the paid jobs I've had over the years were just not so interesting. They allowed me to live and finance my side projects. That is where the fun was.
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So what if you have to work for others and leave the fun for your free time? Is that such a big deal? Well... it probably shouldn't, but in my case those paying jobs where also eroding my passion for creating overall. And that is where I draw the line.

I needed a change but I never managed to say no to the next gig that would appear. It only took a global pandemic to put a halt to all my projects and give me time for introspection. The time was now.

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I wanted to do something completely different that would leave my passion for image making completely intact while at the same time representing a challenge. Ah... it would also be cool to be able to do it remotely, since now it seemed everyone was fine with that.

And that is how I got to this point, 2 weeks into my part time SE course at Flatiron, wondering if I'll be able to keep my two sides of the brain working at their full potential.

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