DEV Community

Alexander Gorbunov
Alexander Gorbunov

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Vue 3 + Vite + TypeScript + Quasar issue

Namaste to everyone!🙏

I'd like to share with you an issue that I had to cope with today:)

It's important to mention, that I used vite cli command to create vue project, then I started adding extensions to it.

When I tried to add typescript to my exsisting project on Vue 3 + Vite + Quasar, I faced the problem:

Following the stipulations here (
I received an error from the compiler : File "@quasar/app/tsconfig-preset" was not found.

So, I started to look for a solutions on github and stackoverflow, but found nothing there...

After trying commands likevue add quasar, I looked up in Quasar docs and found App Extensions section. But there I found instructions only for quasar cli:(

But not got discouraged I decided to try a command: yarn add @quasar/app

And voila! It works!:D

Thank you for reading and I hope that this information will be useful:)

P.S. I'm always open to discussion on any theme! Feel free to reach me!:) I'm on Discord: IngSm#0471

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