
Cover image for Building a Robust Web Platform on AWS: Deploy the website to AWS using the CDK.
Alex Pustovalov
Alex Pustovalov

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Building a Robust Web Platform on AWS: Deploy the website to AWS using the CDK.

In my previous post, I discussed adding a user to manage AWS resources via the command line.

This user can also manage resources using the AWS console.

At this stage of development, my plan was to create infrastructure for deploying a static webpage for a website on AWS.

Basic setup

Now, I will discuss the basic structure of the project, which I intend to develop gradually.

It's important to note that the code will be primarily written in TypeScript, with some JavaScript.

Since the project involves multiple modules, I chose the pnpm package manager, known for its efficiency in multi-module projects or monorepos.

Setting up pnpm is straightforward. First, create a package.json file, add the workspaces option, and list the directories containing your module code.

I placed all modules in the platform directory and thus specified it in workspaces:

“workspaces”: [
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Additionally, I created a pnpm-workspaces.yml file, also specifying the module directory:

    - 'platform/*'
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Website module

Next, I started creating the modules. For the website module, I created platform/web-app. Despite the name, this directory will eventually host a web application on, not just a static site.

In platform/web-app, I added an index.html page for my website.

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Infrastructure setup

Following this, I began creating the AWS infrastructure for the website.

I started by installing the AWS CDK Toolkit:

npm install -g aws-cdk
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Then, I created platform/infra, inspired by the Astro aws-astro adapter library. I used the following command to generate CDK code:

cdk init sample-app --language typescript
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Reference: CDK Workshop

I customized the generated code and file names, resulting in a specific directory structure.

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Let's briefly discuss how the CDK works. It's a toolset for defining AWS cloud infrastructure in code, like TypeScript. This code compiles into CloudFormation stacks, which AWS uses to create the required infrastructure.

CDK mainly deals with two objects: Construct and Stack. A Construct can contain several other Constructs, while a Stack, responsible for generating the CloudFormation stack, can also contain several Constructs.

This approach simplifies describing infrastructure as a tree.

Infrastructure construction

Inside src, I created constructs for CDK Constructs and stacks for CDK Stacks. I then created a PlatformStack class in src/platform-stack.ts and a WebsiteConstruct class in src/website-construct.ts for the website's infrastructure.

WebsiteConstruct manages the S3 Bucket (without public access), access rights, a CloudFront distribution, and uploads the contents of platform/web-app to the bucket.

For deployment, I used bin/infra.ts, executed by the CDK Toolkit.

The cdk.json file specifies the path for bin/infra.ts:

"app": "npx ts-node --prefer-ts-exts bin/infra.ts"
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Deployment is initiated using:

cdk deploy
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Deployment specifics

For first-time AWS deployments, bootstrapping CDK resources in your account is required. This is a one-time process, with additional bootstrapping needed for new regions.

I aimed to integrate deployment commands into the project's build flow. To avoid writing OS-specific scripts, I created JavaScript files for bootstrapping, deploying, and destroying the AWS stack, and included them in package.json.

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Run deployment

User authentication in AWS before running these commands is crucial. I developed a run-command module for authorization checks and setting AWS session credentials in process.env.

This module reads from a .env file at the project root, containing the AWS administrative user's name and deployment region.

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Scripts in package.json can now be executed through run-command:

run-command node ./scripts/deploy.js
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To manage the build and launch various modules in sequence, I added the turbo tool to the project.

The entire project code at this stage is available at PageMosaic GitHub in the stage-1 branch.

While the setup may seem basic, it provides a fundamental understanding of AWS infrastructure deployment and programming simplicity, avoiding complex AWS console manipulations.

You can try deploying this single-page site on your AWS by following the instructions in the repository's

In my next post, I'll describe replacing the static webpage with a full-fledged web application on

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