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Great article, I love that.
And I vote in 2 topics.
How to manage multiple applications in a monorepo with Next.js and Nx
How to add a global state manager to your Next.js app with Recoil
Thank very much
Hey that's great! I appreciate someone picking up on the part at the end about future follow-ups. Definitely plan to make it happen.
I think right now one of the biggest challenges on the monorepo topic isn't even setting it up -- it's coming up with a good little scenario/example to show WHY you would want to use the monorepo, without being too complex, but also being a bit more real-world than just the "hello world" packages that the basic tutorials use.
I agree, In my current project I decided to do mono repo and I still ask my self until now why I need to do this approach.
In my case I have 5 website (next js) that share ui-lib and backend.
And I think maybe it easy to communicate with team and track dependencies version (ui-lib) if I apply monorepo.
But now I’m not sure about it lol 😅
Very well done article didn't think of using @commitlint config on top of husky for defining commits I will have to use that cheers (it's a good additional way to subcategorize jira tickets).
Love also that the article goes into future follow-ups.
Without going into too much detail of reasons for monorepo would be a compact dev team working on a project that has the potential to scale large quick for example skipthedishes (delivery team, customer ordering team, UI/UX team, BE team...). If your trying to run the CICD on multiple repos and then there is a issue on one of the repos that you don't have access to on a friday night, that could be a huge problem that could of been simply resolved from having a monorepo. You include temporary locks within the user repo by default so they don't accidentally do any changes they shouldn't do on a work week and only allow changes of a file during deploy stage to production when a error occurs.
Another reason why for monorepo I think would be security having centralized info to significantly reduce the chance of a backdoor to access. If your seperating your concerns in a monorepo it can be very powerful but ultimately it depends on the business case for the product.
Nice, I totally agree..
I do work with different styles of monorepos for a few different clients and the one thing I absolutely always find is that a lot of the challenges end up really distilling down to business and organizational decisions rather than technical ones.
It's a balance between the convenience of having a central source of truth on versioning and maintaining separation of the individual packages/apps that sometimes developers can be contracted to contribute to but are not meant to have visibility on the larger ecosystem.
I will say that the idea of file locks on specific parts of the monorepo is new to me, do you have any more info or sources on that? My practice recently has been to handle those pieces as git submodules so that devs can be given specific access to those pieces individually and project leads can manage the monorepo, but of course submodules come with their own set of challenges.
Either way I appreciate the detailed response. Cheers.
Personally I haven't done file locks and am not too familiar i think with GitHub enterprise you could use git LFS but I was thinking initially to set authorization through a seperate PSQL prisma model database instance on either locally generated with LFS or online to check within the husky file (will probably be years till i get there).
Just looking at Apollo graphql fed and having subgraphs/schemas and gateway to have separation of concerns is pretty cool for performance while still having that monrepo feel. Still in the monorepo realm but what apollo fed has to offer is going to become interesting. especially when you have one graph it can't become performant for the certain graphs you need from the start.
Hey! Thank you so much for this tutorial! I just wanted to share that there appears to be a problem when usng NExt 12.1.5 regarding the Next Image component that the storybook.preview work around given did not fully address.
This did seem to work though!
Ah, I did see some notes from the devs that they seem to be doing some heavy work on the Image component recently to try and fix some of the issues around it, so I'm not surprised this has happened
Thanks for passing along the fix!
Great guide! already started using nextjs, but some aspects were chaotic. Now everything is in place! thank you very much!
Very welcome!
Amazing, your best work yet.
This is awesome. tyvm sharing your knowladge
A Very useful step-by-step tutorial to start a next.js project. There are many useful utilities to the next.js project. Thanks for sharing. Great job.
Great article, practical and detailed. I am now starting my first Next.js project. I've only used the LAMP stack in the past. I will use this article as a reference.
You're definitely in for a treat.
Nice thing is a lot of the fundamentals from the LAMP stack are things that people who have moved from React single page app's to Next actually have to learn from scratch (server side page generation etc) so you'll be able to hold over a lot of the same principles, just with a different syntax.
Best Next.JS article I have ever read.
Hello, Alex I`m korean.
I m Impressed this Article, love it!
Thank u.
I vote in 2 topics.
Great article! Building a scalable architecture for a Next.js project is crucial for its success. One essential aspect is hiring a skilled Node.js developer. They will play a vital role in implementing efficient server-side rendering, optimizing API integrations, and handling data management. By hiring a proficient Node.js developer, you can ensure that your Next.js project's backend is robust, scalable, and capable of handling high traffic and demanding workloads. Keep up the excellent work!
It's not working anymore if we use the latest of the storybook
Error occur
Quick fix is too install util as devDependency
Thanks leschdom
Awesome article. If people are voting on topics I’d vote for more exploration of production deployment concerns: integration with error handling products like airbrake and sentry logging, monitoring and tracing.
Hey that's a great idea. That's an area actually that I don't have a lot of experience with (I often just make do with the built in logging tools on the hosting platforms) but I would love to dig deeper into that space. Definitely sounds like good blogging material.
Thanks for the suggestion.
hi Alex, thank you for making this tutorial. This is just awesome
Isn't it would be better if we add
to force LF or CRLF for consistency between cross OS development?Anyone else get a "Cannot find module 'eslint-plugin-storybook' " error when commiting "build: implement storybook" message. Anyone know how to. fix this?
So far, I've configured everything as this tutorial suggest and having trouble finding a solution.
Excelent article!
Thank you, a lot of userful stuff in here. I'll be applying this in the future!
They release the support of Node.js 16
That was amazing, thank you so much.
Later if you could how we can add css libraries like tailwind css to the project.
This is an exceptional post and video! You have saved me hours and hours, and I wish more projects followed your guidance. It's spot on. Thank you!
Best article, thank you @alex
Awesome article! Very useful tutorial to start with Next.js :)