I began my self-taught JavaScript journey 1-2 months ago... If online learning is even called "self-taught" these days.
I started my journey at CBT Nuggets and spent 3-4 weeks there. There is a beginner JavaScript course that builds an absolutely amazing foundation, covering 100's & 1000's of different functions and methods amongst other things. I did start to find this course a little too theory heavy. No one could retain all of the information they drill into you; and sometimes sitting through 15-minute video after 15-minute video of different functions and methods can start to feel like a grind.
Then one day I was in bed trying to fall asleep and decided to get in some JS learning via YouTube. I found my chosen video very engaging and followed the link below to the Scrimba website.
I immediately started to enjoy the free "Learn JavaScript" module. At this stage I had stumbled around on GitHub as I wanted to continue my JS projects at work, during my lunchbreaks.
Within a day on Scrimba I was now connecting all of my accounts, eg. Scrimba, Netlify, Figma, GitHub, Twitter & no longer felt like a fumbling noob, but like I had been taught to use these tools like a professional, by a professional.
And that is the story of the course. Every step of the module was very engaging, and I really feel like I have retained all of the knowledge. The learning format is better than anything I have experienced including face-to-face learning.(except maybe that 1 year 10 maths teacher)
At the end of the course, I was faced with the final solo project. My biggest challenge yet. The CSS was a struggle at times, however Scrimba had given me the confidence to 'google it out'- I went from feeling stuck in the mud to making the elements look identical to the Scrimba version... With the CSS & HTML out of the way, I had saved the JS for last. I absolutely breezed through the JS.
After letting my girlfriend test out my new web app (as I excitedly asked her to do with all 8-9 'big' Scrimba projects) - I joked about her work PC being filled with my homemade Chrome Extensions. We had a laugh and then actually started talking about what would be practical; and now I have my first big, completely solo project in mind. And I absolutely believe I can do it professionally and somewhat easily.
10/10 great course. Halfway through I knew I would purchase a paid subscription; and I will commence my next module once I finish this post.
@per Harald Borgen "Take Your Arguments Outside". That will stick with me forever, absolutely brilliant teaching.
Functions, methods, arguments, parameters, template strings, event listeners, buttons, inputs, for loops, if statements - they just flow out of my hands now. I can't wait to consume more content and become employable. I can feel it getting closer by the day.
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I must say I love your nickname š
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