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Alex Gwartney
Alex Gwartney

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Stop saying you dont have time!

This week I want to talk about something that I have used for a excuse quite a few times. Before I finally started getting a schedule going. And that is saying the excuse I don’t have time to learn blank. Now between school and work. I don’t have all the time in the world to schedule out and get stuff done. So how do I make time to write this post. Do homework program and work on math ect. It’s not that hard. The first thing you need to do is get on a schedule. The reason for this is because it’s going to allow you to asses just how much time you have for specific activities. It’s also going to give you focus and motivation to continue to work on specific projects.

For me, that was getting up around 10 am before going to work and blocking out specific amounts of time to work on what is more important that day. Then head to work and then if needed work on things after work. Now here is the next part where you will begin finding the time. So, let’s say you have a family or work going to class whatever the case is. Now during all this, there is always going to be some sort of time. Even if its small as 10 minutes. Use it you will be surprised just how much you can get done in about 10 to 15 minutes. For me as if I have 10 to or 15 minutes of time at work in between downtime or breaks and even lunch. I take it and either program work on a chapter of learning math or whatever else needs to get finished. And while this short amount of time may seem like you did not get a whole lot done as the day comes to an end and a day turns into a week ect. You will be able to see just how much you accomplished.
Now there are also a few videos that if you're Interested I suggest you watch. While one of them Too busy to learn blender. Is not exactly on topic Andrew price’s advice is something that I personally use every day. In his video, he talks about exactly what I am discussing here. And gives some really good advice.

Secondly, I suggest checking out this other video. It’s a speech from Admiral William McRaven. This one is a bit hard to put into words. I just suggest you watch it and see for yourself. As it will tie into the part of taking and setting your goals for the day. The video is called change the world by making your bed.

Lastly, as I mentioned in my last post I wanted to begin sharing what I worked on this week. This week I worked on a short program. Called triple triangles it’s a simple calculator that will tell if a set of numbers is apart of the Pythagorean triple. And as always thanks for reading the post. And I will talk to you all next week.

Top comments (9)

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald • Edited

I once heard a speaker say "No one has a time problem. We all get 24 hours, no more, no less, to use each day. No one has a time problem. Everyone has a priority problem."

I make my bed every morning. Have been for years, so it's funny to hear the video say that. I'm up at 5:00 AM most days. I make a cup of coffee, do my devotional, and then spend one hour working on one of the five courses I'm currently working through. I've got three Udemy courses in progress, plus two books, just right now. I work on a different one each day of the week. Thus, despite a busy schedule, I manage to learn something new nearly every single day.

I can also say, the best days are always those that start at 5 AM!

rachelsoderberg profile image
Rachel Soderberg

I totally agree! I'm out the door by 5am every morning - read (usually tech/self-improvement books) or podcast (<3 Mindpump!) on the bus, hit the gym for an hour, then head a few blocks over to work. Read on the bus ride home, and repeat. Though I don't make my bed... the boyfriend and I get up at different times and I don't think he'd appreciate it ;)

pzelnip profile image
Adam Parkin

I really like that way of looking at it (that it's a priority problem not a time problem). There's a book I recently picked up that's in the same vein: "First Things First" by Stephen R. Covey. I'm only about a chapter in so far, but very similar sentiment.

zeerorg profile image
Rishabh Gupta

A lot of people are productive when they work late. I, like you, am productive at 5am. When studying for exam next day I can cover a lot of ground at 5am. Your advice about working on something scheduled for an hour is great. I've been trying to develop a reading habit and it's not smooth sailing since I don't schedule things ahead of time and my to-do list is a mess. I find your stance motivating and will try to implement it.
Thanks for the advice.

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Hey Alex! Just wanted to let you know that youtube videos can be embedded through this syntax:

{% youtube youtube_id %}

So for one of the videos you referenced it would be: {% youtube 39AV16MshrE %}

alexgwartney profile image
Alex Gwartney

Oh thank you for letting me know I will update this post tonight then.

mxl profile image
Maria Boldyreva

I really liked the second video. Thank you for the great post, Alex.

alexgwartney profile image
Alex Gwartney

Iam glad you enjoyed it and thanks for taking the time to read my post.

rifaimartin profile image
Rifai Martin

Hello alex, i am from indonesia. I like your writing ,, good day