DEV Community

Alfredo Perez
Alfredo Perez

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NGRX Workshop Notes - Reducers

  • Produce new states
  • Receive the last state and next action
  • Switch on the action type
  • Use pure, immutable operations


  • Create separate reducer per feature
  • Should live outside the feature because the state it is shared in the whole application
  • State should save the model as it comes from the API. This can be later transformed into the selectors.
  • Combine actions that can use the same reducer
  on(BooksPageActions.enter, BooksPageActions.clearSelectedBook, (state, action) => ({
          activeBookId: null
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  • Only reducers can modify state and it should do it in an immutable way
  • Create helper functions to handle the data manipulation of collections.


const createBook = (books: BookModel[], book: BookModel) => [...books, book];
const updateBook = (books: BookModel[], changes: BookModel) => => {
        return === ? Object.assign({}, book, changes) : book;
const deleteBook = (books: BookModel[], bookId: string) =>
    books.filter(book => bookId !==;


    on(BooksApiActions.bookCreated, (state, action) => {
        return {
            collection: createBook(state.collection,,
            activeBookId: null
    on(BooksApiActions.bookUpdated, (state, action) => {
        return {
            collection: updateBook(state.collection,,
            activeBookId: null
    on(BooksApiActions.bookDeleted, (state, action) => {
        return {
            collection: deleteBook(state.collection, action.bookId)
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Feature reducer file

  • Declares a State interface with the state for the feature
  • Declares an initialState that included the initial state
  • Declare a feature reducer that contains the result of using createReducer
  • Exports a reducer function that wraps the reducer created. This is needed for AOT and it is not needed when using Ivy.


export interface State {
    collection: BookModel[];
    activeBookId: string | null;

export const initialState: State = {
    collection: [],
    activeBookId: null

export const booksReducer = createReducer(
        BooksPageActions.clearSelectedBook, (state, action) => ({
        activeBookId: null
    on(BooksPageActions.selectBook, (state, action) => ({
        activeBookId: action.bookId

export function reducer(state: State | undefined, action: Action) {
    return booksReducer(state, action);

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  • The index file defines the state and assigns each reducer to a property on the state
import * as fromBooks from "./books.reducer";

export interface State {
    books: fromBooks.State;

export const reducers: ActionReducerMap<State> = {

export const metaReducers: MetaReducer<State>[] = [];
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