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Help me migrate from Sublime Text to VS Code

I want to migrate from Sublime Text to Visual Studio Code, but as a long time ST user, there's a couple of plugins that I'm really missing on VS Code, and I hope that this awesome community can help me find some alternatives — I'm hesitant to invest the time in configuration and learning some new keyboard shortcuts before I know that I can be a productive as I'm used to in ST :)

And hopefully someone will also benefit form this post and the comments, and discover awesome new plugins!


  1. BracketGuard: Highlights mismatched brackets.
  2. GitSavvy: A curses-like git client, which runs inside ST. Features, staging, committing, rebasing, branching and more!
  3. MarkAndMove: Save selections and recall them — save multiple and recall all to create a complex selection.
  4. MiniPy: Evaluate selected text as Python code, and replace the selected text with the stringified result.
  5. MoveText: Drag/move text around with the keyboard… useful for swapping lines and such, without having all lines displaced as with a cut-paste operation.
  6. MultiEditUtils: Immensly useful tools for working with multiple selections — includes many functions, listed below and all demonstrated with gifs at the plugin homepage.
    • Preserve case while editing selection contents
    • Split the selection
    • Extend the current selection with the last selection
    • Normalize and toggle region ends
    • Jump to last region
    • Cycle through the regions
    • Strip selection
    • Remove empty regions
    • Quick Find All for multiple selections
    • Use selections as fields
  7. Origami: Easily control the layout of the editor using keyboard shortcuts to move buffers around to create or destroy side-by-side views.
  8. AlignTab: Advanced alignment, which is also useful for aligning tables in LaTeX.

Top comments (8)

rhymes profile image
rhymes • Edited

Ok, let's see if I can help you.

  1. instead of "guarding" mismatched brackets what if you just color them with Bracket Pair Colorizer ? This way you can instantly see if they match or not

  2. I'm not 100% sure why you need a "terminal based client" inside a GUI but what works for me may not work for you and vice versa. My suggestion here is to actually learn how to use the builtin git support. I read many people who swear by it. I still use the terminal sometimes but have a look at it. Other two extensions I can suggest are Git Blame and Git ignore

  3. Don't know if it's enough but VSCode has multi cursor selection

  4. You can bring Jupyter/IPython inside VSCode and do lots of stuff, see here

  5. Don't need an extension, Opt(Alt) + up and down and you can move text around. You can also reconfigure the bindings

  6. Don't know if there's "one" extension that does everything. That's too advanced for me :D I'm sure you can find extensions for some or all of the things you listed. Text Pastry which is multiple selections with powerups seems a start.

  7. No need for an extension. By default VSCode lets you only split vertically or horizontally. To move a buffer/file to one of the other splits you can drag it manually or use shortcuts:


You get to that window by pressing CMD-K, CMD-S or Code -> Preferences -> Keyboard shortcuts

  1. There are a few code alignment plugins, but you'll have to try them :-)
rhymes profile image

Also checkout Code Runner

allanlrh profile image

Thanks for the suggestions, I'd have a look at them, especially the Git-ones (along with the build in Git support), and the Jupyter plugins.

allanlrh profile image
AllanLRH • Edited

There are some points where I'm not that satisfied with ST:

  • I'm not very fond of with the Anaconda plugin (Python IDE-like features) for Sublime, especially I find it's intellisense-autocompletion to be slow, unstable and often unable to show the documentation for a function. But AFAIK Anaconda i the best Python plugin for ST.
  • I'd really like a build in debugger, like the one in VS Code.
  • VS Code is free... it's a minor problem, since I bought ST, but still...

And some points in favor of VS Code:

  • I've heard good things about the Python package for VS Code.
  • Juputer Notebook integration!
  • VS Code seems more extensible than ST. Sharing technology base with a lot of web-apps is must be an advantage when comes to enabling stuff like the Jupiter integration, without having major functionality break when a new version of the browser-based app is released.
  • I also believe that with time, the community of VS Code will grow larger than that of ST, so that's probably where I should be at. I've been following the ST package releases in my news-reader (Feedly, using RSS), and it seems to have slowed down quite a bit. Nowadays a lot of packages seems to be color schemes/themes, syntax-definitions or linter-plugins for specialized language... it could also be seen as a sign that there's already a bunch of nice packages out there which is simply continuously updated, but I also get the sense that "innovation" have stalled,and there's few attempts at doing stuff like Jupyter integration, and similar "workflow disrupting" stuff.
birliban profile image

Hello, did you find something for BracketGuard yet?

And apart from that, how did you make this cool coding / examples gifs?

allanlrh profile image

I've never really got started with VS Code, and stayed in Sublime Text for the time being... while I think that VS Code provide better customizability, the plugins just haven't caught up to the quality of this in ST yet. So I never found a BracketGuard replacement :(

The gifs are mostly taken from the documentation sites for the plugins. If I were to make the myself, I'd just use the screen-recording feature of Quicktime, and make it into a gif using the command line.

jitheshkt profile image
Jithesh. KT

VC users, please suggest an FTP file explorer. I am talking about browsing my FTP server right from my side panel and edit, save...etc.

evaldobento profile image
Evaldo Bento

That's what I wanted to ask. He seems to be happy with Sublime. Changing only for the sake it? If a tool gives you what you need, you can use it even if it is not the coolest one on the block :-)