I want to migrate from Sublime Text to Visual Studio Code, but as a long time ST user, there's a couple of plugins that I'm really missing on VS Code, and I hope that this awesome community can help me find some alternatives — I'm hesitant to invest the time in configuration and learning some new keyboard shortcuts before I know that I can be a productive as I'm used to in ST :)
And hopefully someone will also benefit form this post and the comments, and discover awesome new plugins!
BracketGuard: Highlights mismatched brackets.
GitSavvy: A curses-like git client, which runs inside ST. Features, staging, committing, rebasing, branching and more!
MarkAndMove: Save selections and recall them — save multiple and recall all to create a complex selection.
- MiniPy: Evaluate selected text as Python code, and replace the selected text with the stringified result.
- MoveText: Drag/move text around with the keyboard… useful for swapping lines and such, without having all lines displaced as with a cut-paste operation.
MultiEditUtils: Immensly useful tools for working with multiple selections — includes many functions, listed below and all demonstrated with gifs at the plugin homepage.
- Preserve case while editing selection contents
- Split the selection
- Extend the current selection with the last selection
- Normalize and toggle region ends
- Jump to last region
- Cycle through the regions
- Strip selection
- Remove empty regions
- Quick Find All for multiple selections
- Use selections as fields
- Preserve case while editing selection contents
- Origami: Easily control the layout of the editor using keyboard shortcuts to move buffers around to create or destroy side-by-side views.
AlignTab: Advanced alignment, which is also useful for aligning tables in LaTeX.
Top comments (8)
Ok, let's see if I can help you.
instead of "guarding" mismatched brackets what if you just color them with Bracket Pair Colorizer ? This way you can instantly see if they match or not
I'm not 100% sure why you need a "terminal based client" inside a GUI but what works for me may not work for you and vice versa. My suggestion here is to actually learn how to use the builtin git support. I read many people who swear by it. I still use the terminal sometimes but have a look at it. Other two extensions I can suggest are Git Blame and Git ignore
Don't know if it's enough but VSCode has multi cursor selection
You can bring Jupyter/IPython inside VSCode and do lots of stuff, see here donjayamanne.github.io/pythonVSCod...
Don't need an extension, Opt(Alt) + up and down and you can move text around. You can also reconfigure the bindings
Don't know if there's "one" extension that does everything. That's too advanced for me :D I'm sure you can find extensions for some or all of the things you listed. Text Pastry which is multiple selections with powerups seems a start.
No need for an extension. By default VSCode lets you only split vertically or horizontally. To move a buffer/file to one of the other splits you can drag it manually or use shortcuts:
You get to that window by pressing CMD-K, CMD-S or Code -> Preferences -> Keyboard shortcuts
Also checkout Code Runner
Thanks for the suggestions, I'd have a look at them, especially the Git-ones (along with the build in Git support), and the Jupyter plugins.
There are some points where I'm not that satisfied with ST:
And some points in favor of VS Code:
Hello, did you find something for BracketGuard yet?
And apart from that, how did you make this cool coding / examples gifs?
I've never really got started with VS Code, and stayed in Sublime Text for the time being... while I think that VS Code provide better customizability, the plugins just haven't caught up to the quality of this in ST yet. So I never found a BracketGuard replacement :(
The gifs are mostly taken from the documentation sites for the plugins. If I were to make the myself, I'd just use the screen-recording feature of Quicktime, and make it into a gif using the command line.
VC users, please suggest an FTP file explorer. I am talking about browsing my FTP server right from my side panel and edit, save...etc.
That's what I wanted to ask. He seems to be happy with Sublime. Changing only for the sake it? If a tool gives you what you need, you can use it even if it is not the coolest one on the block :-)