DEV Community

Starting my Back-end Journey (1/?)

Larissa Dantier on February 05, 2025

Hello, everyone! I'm Larissa and Front-end Developer, I have 5-6 years of professional experience and I started to see the need for learn back-end ...
acoh3n profile image

This is great. I know the backend can be a bit intimidating, but don't give up. I'm sure front end took a while to master as well. I'd suggest coming up with a project to keep the journey more concrete. It's hard to learn pieces of the backend separately without context and direction. Maybe add the backend to one of your front end projects. Either way I would start with the front end and then try to build the backend for it. I hope this helps. Good luck!

larissa_dantier profile image
Larissa Dantier • Edited

Oh thank you for your tips :D, of course I'm going to use and choose some design in the figma community to do the front-end and increment a bit for small concepts of databases and back-end, step-by-step!

Good luck in your journey :), If you need something, I'm happy to help.

Recommendation: FreeCodeCamp - Website (Is a very good website with any trails :v )

kwnaidoo profile image
Kevin Naidoo • Edited

Excellent :-) All the best in your journey! I don't know much about the AI course you are using, at a glance I would be cautious.

A good place to start is W3Schools, a bit of an old-school resource but it's been around for years and teaches you all the fundamentals you need:

They also have tuts on the most popular languages. If you want video tutorials look for: ~ Good for Python and Django ~ Good for Laravel and PHP ~ Next.js

I personally used all four of these tuts at some point in my career hence why I recommended them.

larissa_dantier profile image
Larissa Dantier

Thanks for the tips and recommendations!

Uphop's AI is more like a helper, sor far the content has been good (in Obsidian I write my article with many insights and tips that it give me, such as perfomance, for example) and I search outside the plaforma too!

I'm going to use all the tips you've given me, they're very useful :-D

shreyansh_19_kumar profile image
Shreyansh Kumar

All the best on your journey !! I myself am starting my own journey of learning python

larissa_dantier profile image
Larissa Dantier

All the best on your journey too! It's a good language to start with :)

abhinand_p_7b84414495a734 profile image

where did you learn nodejs

larissa_dantier profile image
Larissa Dantier

Probably I will read a NodeJS Documentation, articles more specific using NodeJS with Fastify and I have monthly subscription in plataform JStack (In Portuguese, not avaibable in English :( ) a focus in lives/videos, such as “Mastering Fastify”, “Mastering Prisma ORM”, “Database Design” and others in the same vein :D

abhinand_p_7b84414495a734 profile image

is there any free website like for learn logics of javascript for begginers

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larissa_dantier profile image
Larissa Dantier • Edited

Exist! I recommend Programming with Mosh and FreeCodeCamp - Youtube (Is more complete), website of FreeCodeCamp is nice way for start because has any trails: FreeCodeCamp - Website

This course is very good too: The Complete JavaScript Course 2025: From Zero to Expert! and it's cheap :)

notsmartenoughforc profile image

All the best!

rs_ty profile image
Rusty has really good roadmaps, and resources on every topic, that might help

larissa_dantier profile image
Larissa Dantier • Edited

Thank you! I saw the roadmap, is very good and I'm going to follow the Back-end Roadmap! :D

cleary_hy_fc24ae650f1db41 profile image
cleary hy

good luck