I have been publishing a webcomic for four months: a comic about CSS (and web development) without images, all coded in CSS and HTML. And I’ve had ...
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Firefox didn't get an invite to the party 😢
The browser logos are coded using a single HTML element and CSS. I have to admit I haven't figured out how to do the Firefox logo and that's why it's not there 😳
I have an idea for a comic strip where the browsers talk about how Firefox is never in the comic strip because the author (me) is terrible at drawing and doesn't know how to draw the Firefox logo (which unfortunately is true... For now)
I suspected that might be the case 😉
I have many others and I have a mini version of Firefox, but i need to polish it
Yeah and Edge also didn't.
Very, very cool.
Now where can I find a third party offering LTS on IE????????
No need, MSFT is doing that themselves, considering Edge has IE Mode, which is just loading Edge with iexplorer.exe.
IE is part of OS and share many dll files, they will continue to get support and security fixes,
Corporate clients can still pay to get support for IE. My friend is working for a client account in canada and their application still runs on cobol and asp, He tells me that his clients have paid microsoft for extended support of IE for themselves.
Strange and surreal, right?
Oh great, not dead then... :) I can almost hear those torturers approaching!
Internet explorer is my first browser when I have started using computer, but from last 4 years I am using Firefox browser with uduntu os which works beyond my expectations. Thanks for that mozilla developers 🙏🙏🤗🤞
It's *Ubuntu
Oh yes 🤗 thanks for correction 🙏
IE: Is it time to go ?
Death: Yes
IE: *buffering*
Death: ......
In the Web jungle the mighty Web jungle the IE sleeps tonight
this just made my day thanks
LOL I like your comic
Thanks 🙏
How do you "code" web comics?
With patience ☺️😹
I share the process on YouTube (for some of them). For example:
Nice........ :)
This is Firefox erasure.
Funny thing, someone made the same comment when I shared on imgur. The reason why Firefox is not there is because the logos are coded with a single div and I haven't figured out how to do Firefox logo yet... I even thought about making a comic with the browser logos poking fun at me for not being good enough to draw Firefox.
Missing Brave and Vivaldi...no invitation?
Vivaldi was lack of space. Brave is in the works. codepen.io/alvaromontoro/pen/NWwVqZV
Hilarious 😂
Thank you for putting a smile on my face, that is a truly amazing work of creativity plus out of the box thinking as well.
This is funny. I read the comic elsewhere and didn't realize it was CSS. Very cool,
Funny haha
Great Work Alvaro!
Great work. I also want to write some comic on my free time. I named my comic as Cirtangle. But I have not written any of them yet :D
That’s fun. Nice work!
Thanks! :)
Awesome art! How did I find not find this before? I'm going on a reading spree , reading all of 'em!
Thanks. I hope you enjoy them.
Ahh this comic is great but the fact that you coded it is even better - fantastic job!
✨IE will always be alive in meta
I miss Flash. Is that bad? :(
very cool, when next chapter release bro ?