This post is going to be a little bit of showing off (sorry 😅). It is a personal project that I did over 2 years ago –before joining DEV–, and that CSS {IRL} reminded me about today.
It is a collection of drawings of The Simpsons characters done in CSS. I learned a lot coding them, and I've learned even more since... so I'm scared of looking at my own code now.
Here are some of the drawings (there are 10 in total):
Bart Simpson
This was the first one I did for a CodePen challenge with the colors red, blue, and yellow, which reminded me of Bart.
Homer Simpson
Lisa Simpson
Marge Simpson
Probably my favorite.
Sideshow Bob
From this one, I really like that the whole hair is a single element... with a ton of box-shadow
Homer Simpson with circles
This one was also for a CodePen challenge, and I even wrote an article on DEV explaining how it was done. But it is cooler to see it on this animation.
I also have a drawing of Troy McClure (you may remember him from that CSS drawing 🙃) and Itchy & Scratchy.
If you liked these CSS drawings, don't miss the CSS illustrations I did last year as part of a 100-day challenge!
Top comments (12)
nah! all of them are embeded images ... inspecting the code ... 🤯🤯
I think I won't be surprised if you do a full simpson episode using only CSS .. you already have all the cast 😋
I want to do a "short film" in HTML+CSS, but I lack the technical knowledge and skills for the animations... maybe one day...
I think you can start with easy stuff like having the characters on a fixed position and a bubble over them with a text typing animation and you move their mouth slightly to simulate a discussion. This should be easy since you already made the difficult part and I'd imagine it will give a good rendring. Still not a film but can produce amazing scenes
That's a good possibility. Maybe just animate squares at the beginning and add shapes little by little.
Well done! 👏
Thanks! 😊
These are really impressive, but why is nobody talking about the huge bruise on Kang's forehead?
I mean it just seems painful
Well done! Just out of curiosity, on average how long to make a drawing like this?
Thanks! Each cartoon took around 4-6 hours.
You never fail to amaze me. Loved your previous works, loved this one.
Thanks! I appreciate it.
That's insane! Great drawings as usual.