Overview of My Submission
Submission Category:
Microservice Mavens
Language Used
- Kotlin/Ktor
- React/TS
Link to Code
A Contribution to the Redis-Dev.to-Hackathon.
Meme Auctioning System
Finally, you are able to sell your comics, memes and other artistic drawings on an auctioning platform.
How it works
How the data is stored:
Most of the data is stored as JSON in various keys and various data types.
Refresh Tokens
userId: like "cd63d6fd-3333-4877-9b8f-aab9e24271ca"
refreshToken: like "c3adfc0d-6eb6-40f7-8663-49896d0c1855"
expiryDate: like 1662422171471
id: like "8b0be9f2-3bb0-4972-87c6-423a7073832f"
start: like "2022-08-07T22:23:07Z"
end: like "2022-08-10T22:23:07Z"
items: like ["95069680-670a-40c6-8068-c6cdd2561932"]
title: like "First Auction"
description: like "The very first Auction"
seller: like "cd63d6fd-3333-4877-9b8f-aab9e24271ca"
amount: like 123.45
currency: like "EUR'
isClosed: like false
id: like "d6118270-8404-4560-bee9-50c32870dd69"
title: like "Move Fast and Break Things"
description: like "Move Fast and Break Things"
image: like "https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/move_fast_and_break_things_2x.png"
owner: like "735db4d6-658d-4ea6-aeed-d0718e076d6a"
Biddings: (where key has prefix 'biddings:' followed by auctionId)
…BTW, your Github code’s README file should contain the details as per this template.
Additional Resources / Info
[Note:] # (Be sure to link to any open source projects that are using your workflow!)
[Note:] # Screenshots/demo videos are encouraged!
- Check out Redis OM, client libraries for working with Redis as a multi-model database.
- Use RedisInsight to visualize your data in Redis.
- Sign up for a free Redis database.
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