Natural Language Processing aka NLP is one of the most sought after technology in present day. AI assitants like Alexa, Siri, Cortana and Google assistant all work on NLP. We are able to talk to machines only due to NLP. NLP has other uses such as Language Translation, Summarising data, and Sentiment analysis.
Here is a list of 5 best posts on NLP present on DEV which will give you a glimpse of the versatility and importance of this field.
A fullstack Fake News Classifier
In this post @iammowgoud has given a complete guide to implement a news classification model and deploy it using Flask. It is a very detailed explanation of how to build a model and making a web app using Flask and React.

Fullstack NLP: Building & Deploying End-to-end Fake News Classifier
Hatem Hassan 👨💻☕️💻🌺😎 ・ Dec 7 '19
A guide to tech behind Voice Assistants
In this post, @sandeshsuvarna has explained in a very intriguing manner about the technology behind voice assistants like Alexa, Siri, etc.

Behind the Tech: How does Siri, Alexa or Google Home respond to your questions?
Sandesh B Suvarna ( ・ Nov 16 '18
Introductory Guide to NLP
In this blog, @jaydeepborkar has explained various concepts related to NLP like Coreference Resolution, Named Entity Recognition, Dependency Parsing, Lemmatization, etc.

Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Part 1.
Jaydeep Borkar ・ Sep 9 '18
Markov Chains, Game of Thrones and NLP
In this blog, @strikingloo has explained very nicely that how Markov Chain models can be used to generate text based on the Game of Thrones training corpus. The text or sentences generated using Markov Chain give quite promising results.

Markov Chains: Training AI to Write Game of Thrones
Luciano Strika ・ Oct 25 '19
Getting started with NLP
In this post, @nicfoxds has explained newbies about how to start with the vast field of NLP. The author of the post has given a glimpse of the world of NLP.
I hope you all liked this collection. I would request the #DEVCommunity members to contribute more to the field of #NLP.
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