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Day 1 Learning Javascript

Well, this should be fun!

So far I've learned HTML and CSS over the past 3 months. And now it's time to get started on the good stuff...Javascript.

I honestly I have no idea whether I'll love it or hate it. But I'm betting on the former. For the past several years I've had a desire to learn to code, but never fully invested my time to it. I didn't really know where to start, or what to learn, so I would choose some Codecademy course and then drift away not sure about what I was doing.

It was about 6 months ago where I finally decided I'm going to learn, and I'm going dedicate myself to it. I have a background in systems administration, which was fine but never quite fulfilling. Call me crazy but I like tedious, meticulous work. I like problem solving (a required skill in systems administration). I like to create things (My B.A. is in journalism...don't make that face). And honestly, I like the flexibility being a developer seemingly provides.

So, I began my journey. Fully committed and ready. While HTML was cool, and CSS was...interesting, I can't wait to dive into Javascript! Here we go...

Top comments (6)

darlingtonp4 profile image
You can try that tutorial after the codecademy one just to get your feet wet!

amberchisholm profile image

Thanks! I actually already have a Udemy course that I'm taking, but I'll check this out too.

lichristopher profile image

what udemy course are you taking?

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amberchisholm profile image

The Complete Web Developer in 2019: Zero to Mastery

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lichristopher profile image

Ohh! I have that course too. What's your name in Discord? So I talk with you there

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amberchisholm profile image

Cool! CheezStix on Discord