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How to get started with Filament

Filament is a package for the PHP Framework Laravel built using the TALL-Stack.
T - Tailwind CSS
A - Alpine.js
L - Laravel
L - Livewire

If you want to build a good looking Admin Panel, add Forms or Tables to your Laravel project, this tool will save you a lot of time and code! If you want to look at it first before installing, look at their demo.

I'm here to collect a few tips and trick on how to quickly get started with the Admin Panel.

First, install the package

composer require filament/filament:"^2.0"
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In order to access your Admin Panel, attach "/admin" to your app URL.

Next, create a user

php artisan make:filament-user
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You can enter a name, e-mail and password. If you have added non-nullable columns in your users table, you would have to make a default user in your factory.

One of the most powerful tools will be

composer require doctrine/dbal
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With this package, Filament can auto-generate forms and tables based on your models' database columns. To create a Resource, from the models' database columns all you need to do is

php artisan make:filament-resource YourModelName --generate
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With just this one command you create a Create, List and Edit Page:

  • List: a table filled with all your database columns your_app_url/admin/your_model_name
  • Create: an empty form which saves information into your database your_app_url/admin/your_model_name/create
  • Edit: a form filled with the records information your_app_url/admin/your_model_name/ID/edit

You can change your form and table in your models' Resource file. There is a variety of available fields and columns, filters and actions.

This is optional, but you can also create a ViewPage, that looks similar to the Edit Page, but only let's a user see the content without being able to modify it. Useful if you want certain users to only view, yet not modify content.

php artisan make:filament-resource YourModelName --view
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You have to register the ViewPage in the resources' getPages() method.

public static function getPages(): array
    return [
        'index' => Pages\ListUsers::route('/'),
        'create' => Pages\CreateUser::route('/create'),
        'view' => Pages\ViewUser::route('/{record}'),
        'edit' => Pages\EditUser::route('/{record}/edit'),
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Now you should have a basic structure of you Filament Admin Panel! Setting up the basic core of your project requires just a few commands, from this point on you can customize and expand.

There are endless possibilities on how you can actually use this package. For example, I'm working on a shift-organization tool, which after these initial steps only took a bit of tweaking to become fully functional in no time!

Hope you enjoy!

PS: Filament has so much up its sleeve, so I will be making this a series! If you want to know more basics and tips, make sure to follow me!😁

Top comments (2)

codewithcaen profile image

Thanks for sharing Ame! Love that you mentioned the generate command as that's one of Filament's most powerful and sometimes overlooked features.

lunaisakh profile image
Luna Isakh

Thank you for sharing the information.