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Use Gherkin file in your unit tests with vitest

Hi everybody, this is my first post, I hope you will like it ;)

In my company we are migrating some projects from jest to vitest. Everything is ok except one thing : the use our Gherkin feature file in our unit tests.

To be simple we use Gherkin to describe what we vill do : new feature, fix a bug, improvement etc

For example, I take it on Gherkin website :

Feature: Guess the word
    Scenario: Breaker joins a game
        Given the Maker has started a game with the word "silky"
        When  the Breaker joins the Maker's game
        Then  the Breaker must guess a word with 5 character
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When we use jest, we use jest-cucumber but currenly we haven't an alternative for vitest.

So this week I worked on a new project : vitest-cucumber.

Why ?

Feature file are very important for us so when we run unit tests we want to know if we forgot a scenario or a scenario step or type wrong scenario title.

A good advantage for us, if one day some code break a unit test like it('should join a game').

Error Scenario: Breaker joins a game > When failed is a better error message ;)

How it works

In vitest-cucumber, I create a parser who reads feature file line by line and return a Feature class.

Feature can contains multiple Scenario and a Scenario can contains multiple steps.

And I create describeFeature when to write unit test for a Feature, Scenario and steps.

An example

An example of feature file :

Feature: Improve my unit tests
    Scenario: Use vitest-cucumber in my unit tests
        Given Developer using feature file
        And   Using vitest-cucumber
        When  I run my unit tests
        Then  I know if I forgot a scenario
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And an example of unit tests using vitest :

import { loadFeature, describeFeature } from '@miceli/vitest-cucumber'
import { expect } from 'vitest'

const feature = await loadFeature('path/to/my/file.feature')

describeFeature(feature, ({ Scenario }) => {

    Scenario('Use vitest-cucumber in my unit tests', ({ Given, When, Then, And }) => {
        Given('Developer using feature file', () => {
            // ...
        And('using vitest-cucumber', () => {
            // ...
        When('I run my unit tests', () => {
            // ...
        Then('I know if I forgot a scenario', () => {
            // ...

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Run unit test for a Feature. This function uses describe vitest function and provide Scenario

describeFeature uses afterAll, at the end it checks if you missed a scenario or typed a wrong scenario name.


This function also uses describe but provide multiple function for scenario steps.

It also uses afterAll but checks if you forgot a step or write a wrong step name.

When, Then etc

This function uses test vitest function.
So this is here to code our expect etc.


I opened an issue on Vitests, to know their opinion and share my project.

I still work on it to improve error messages when unit tests failed and I hope for some feedback to improve this project.

Currently I code scenarios and steps but Gherkin is very powerful : tags, value etc. I've lot of work and I like it ;)

Thanks you, I hope you like this post.

Top comments (1)

petergoodey profile image
Peter Goodey

This is great! Well done! It would be good to see this taken up by the vitest community as it matures! BDD/TDD is the way forward for continuous delivery