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I built a portfolio and would love to hear your feedback!

Hello everyone!!
Three years ago I posted about my new portfolio as a new grad. Now I'm building a new one to showcase the experiences I had during these three years as a front-end engineer. I also developed a passion for design and I haven't had the chance to incorporate it into a project yet. So this is my first public project in which I showcase my design work. I would love to hear your thoughts on the direction of the portfolio and any areas that I could improve upon. Your feedback is greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!


Oldest comments (3)

giovannimazzuoccolo profile image
Giovanni Mazzuoccolo • Edited

Overall, the frontend portfolio looks very nice and clean, and I like it. However, the use of scrolljacking is something that personally irritates me. It might be worth considering alternative navigation methods to enhance the user experience.

Additionally, I suggest improving the page title by adding your job profession after your name. This simple change can significantly improve SEO and make your portfolio more discoverable to potential employers or clients.

A quick tip: If you adjust the contrast ratio on the "Frontend Engineer" section, you can achieve a perfect score of 100% on Lighthouse, further optimizing your portfolio's accessibility.

Overall, great work, and these minor adjustments could make your portfolio even more impressive!

smitterhane profile image

Wonderful on having a domain name for your site. I like the color of typography.

I can suggest a bit of things, like:
Adding a navigation to different sections of your page
Scrolljacking as @giovannimazzuoccolo has stated, is quite annoying
You can chose a primary and secondary color (and that rythm) to stick to

Here is a website by @ismaestro to draw some ideas and inspiration

ismaestro profile image
Ismael Ramos ๐Ÿš€

In fact, I'm currently working on it (literally) to remove bootstrap and boost the core vitals. More info here:
PD: Thanks for share my website as an example ๐Ÿ™ƒ