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What is AngularJS in Brief?

AngularJS is a structured, JavaScript framework used for dynamic one-page applications. Being a framework it uses code templates written in HTML in order to perform a particular function or command. The data binding and dependency functionalities of Angular JS saves time invested in writing lengthy codes. All these features are packaged in a browser that makes it a suitable server technology.
There is a considerable difference between Static documents and dynamic applications. Dynamic applications typically use a library and a framework that supports creating web apps. While the library contains a number of functions used to perform certain operations, the framework automatically takes the data and calls the functions when needed. However, Angular JS creates new HTML constructs that eventually eliminate this mismatch effectively. It creates new syntax with the help of directives.

Few things you need to know to before starting with Angular JS Training:

Modules – A module can be defined as a container that consists of various application parts. The module is a set of functions defined in a JavaScript file. The module divides an application into small and reusable components.
Directives – Directives indicate the compiler to associate a behavior to the DOM element or modify it. Angular JS contains several directives such as ng-app, ng-controller, ng-view, ng-if, etc.
Controller – It is a JavaScript object constructor function that controls the AngularJS applications.
Scope – It is a JavaScript object that acts as a bridge between the Controller and the View. It is the source of data in AngularJS. Each data manipulation and assignment takes place with the help of the Scope object.
Data Binding – It coordinates model and view about any changes in either of these two.
Validations- Validations take place with the help of AngularJS forms and controls.
Filters – These let you display the formatting of data on DOM and extend the behavior of directives and binding expressions. Filters format the values or application-specific.
Services – These are singletons that are used by directives, controllers, or other services.
Routing – The service $routeProvider handles the operations of Routing. It divides the map into various views. It helps split the Single Page Applications into different views.
Dependency Injection – It is a design pattern used to handle the dependencies of various components of a software. It lets you develop loosely-structured architectures.
Testing – The codes developed by Dependency Injections are tested. Some of the popular testing frameworks like Jasmine and Karma are two widely-used technologies.

Following are the reasons behind the increasing popularity of AngularJS –

Easy Language – Learning and working on AngularJS is quite easy as few simple modifications can let you achieve the benefits of AngularJS in the minimum possible time.
Two-way binding of data – Angular JS allows you to do two-way data binding that enables view and model to coordinate with the changes in one another.
No need for observable functions – With Angular JS you would not have to use observable functions as it analyzes the DOM and creates the bindings on the basis of Angular-specific element attributes. This saves time in writing lengthy codes.
Automatically joins the components – Most of the framework requires the developers to divide the application into multiple small MVC components and write codes to join them again. However, AngularJS solves this issue as it combines the components automatically.
Learn more about different versions of Angular in this comprehensive blog on Angularjs vs Angular 2 vs Angular 4.

Disadvantages of AngularJS
Not Secure – Its applications are not safe. Server-side authentication and authorization are necessary to keep an application secure.
Not Degradable – If the user of your application disables the JavaScript then it displays nothing except the basic page.
The complex at times – At times AngularJS becomes complex to handles as there are multiple ways to do the same thing. This creates confusion and requires considerable effort.

Top comments (2)

wannabehexagon profile image

"Not Secure – Its applications are not safe. Server-side authentication and authorization are necessary to keep an application secure."

Nearly every application on the web must be "not safe" then. There're so many other straight out wrong things in this post. With all due respect, PLEASE put in more effort into writing posts, because new developers will read this kind of content and get the wrong idea.

athomsfere profile image
Austin French

The most important fact about "What is AngularJs?"


Don't learn it now. Angular is a better use of time.