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Anand Roshan
Anand Roshan

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Useful Websites for Beginner Web Developers

Whether you're looking to build a personal website, explore new career opportunities, or simply dive into the fascinating realm of coding, there's a wealth of resources available to help you along your journey.
In this post, I've compiled a list of essential resources tailored specifically for beginner-level web developers.
These resources cover everything from HTML and CSS to JavaScript and beyond, providing you with the knowledge and tools needed to kickstart your web development adventure. So, let's dive in!

HTML & CSS Resources:

  1. Mozilla Developer Network (MDN)

    • MDN Web Docs: An extensive resource offering detailed documentation on HTML and CSS. Perfect for getting started with the basics.
  2. W3Schools

    • W3Schools: A beginner-friendly website with interactive tutorials and examples for HTML, CSS, and more.
  3. CoderVortex

    • CoderVortex: Collection of free online tools to generate HTML and CSS codes and more.
  4. Codecademy

    • Codecademy: Offers interactive coding exercises, including courses on HTML and CSS.
  5. CSS-Tricks

    • CSS-Tricks: A treasure trove of CSS tips, tricks, and tutorials.

JavaScript Resources:

  1. freeCodeCamp

    • freeCodeCamp: A comprehensive platform that offers JavaScript courses, interactive coding challenges, and projects to build your skills.
  2. JavaScript MDN

    • JavaScript MDN: MDN's JavaScript section provides in-depth documentation and tutorials.
  3. Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke

Coding Practice Platforms:

  1. LeetCode

    • LeetCode: Great for sharpening your problem-solving skills with coding challenges.
  2. HackerRank

    • HackerRank: Offers coding exercises and competitions, including a "10 Days of JavaScript" tutorial series.

Version Control and Collaboration:

  1. GitHub

    • GitHub: Learn how to use Git and GitHub to collaborate with others and manage your code.
  2. BitBucket

    • BitBucket: An alternative to GitHub, personally I would use BitBucket for private projects and use GitHub for public projects.

Web Development Frameworks:

  1. Bootstrap

    • Bootstrap: A popular CSS framework that simplifies web design.
  2. React

    • React: Facebook's JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Start with their official tutorial.
  3. SvelteKit

    • SvelteKit: The modern, blazing-fast web application framework that simplifies development with its intuitive approach and seamless transitions

Project-Based Learning:

  1. GitHub Pages

    • GitHub Pages: Host your own website for free using GitHub Pages. A great way to showcase your projects.
  2. CodePen

    • CodePen: An online code editor that allows you to create and share web projects.

Community and Support:

  1. Stack Overflow

    • Stack Overflow: A community of developers who can help answer your coding questions.

    • A welcoming platform where developers share knowledge and experiences.

With these resources at your disposal, you're well-equipped to embark on your web development adventure. Happy coding!

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