DEV Community

Dhruv Anand
Dhruv Anand

Posted on

Minimal Time Management App

Being a high-school student and having everything online, it gets quiet difficult to manage time and get tasks done.
So, I did some research and got to know about a technique called Pomodoro.

And I started looking for a good Pomodoro Timer app but did not find any good app. Either they were paid or lacked a few features.

So, I made myself my own Pomodoro Timer app. It is very minimal.
It is built using ElectronJS & JavaScript.

I would love to share the app with you guys and receive your feedback.

Check out the App on GitHub and download it and even give it a Star.

Top comments (12)

mehdico profile image
Mehdi Mousavi

Good job, i've tried to build it for macOS but cant find the package.json file!

ananddhruv295 profile image
Dhruv Anand

Thanks for the kind words.
The app is built for Windows Only. There are no plans for distributing it to other platforms.

mehdico profile image
Mehdi Mousavi • Edited

Even on windows you need a package.json to run it. Also i didn't see any platform-specific code in your project, so i tried to run on MacOS. here is the result :
Just one issue: When app is running the SPACE key (who you set as shortcut or something) on my keyboard is not working at all, in any program! (even yours)
package.json file i wrote:

  "name": "YOUR_APP_NAME",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "main": "app.js",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "electron ."
  "dependencies": {
    "electron": "^13.2.1"
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ananddhruv295 profile image
Dhruv Anand

I have resolved the issue in the latest update (not yet released).
The reason was I set the Space key as a Global shortcut using Electron an this was causing the issue.
Talking about 'Platform-specific', No, there is no restriction regarding distributing the application to other platforms so there should be no problem running that.
Also, I have to added the package.json.

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mehdico profile image
Mehdi Mousavi


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ananddhruv295 profile image
Dhruv Anand

I have made the required changes. If you wish to contribute, you can fork the project. :)

abhinav1217 profile image
Abhinav Kulshreshtha

There are no plans for distributing it to other platforms.

What if I ( or some one from community ) offer our help to get it packaged for Linux (or mac) ?

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ananddhruv295 profile image
Dhruv Anand

That would really be appreciated if I could get help in doing so.

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ananddhruv295 profile image
Dhruv Anand

You can check out the project on GitHub and contribute to it.

ptejada profile image
Pablo Tejada

Why is the release package +300mb for such a simple app?

ananddhruv295 profile image
Dhruv Anand


ananddhruv295 profile image
Dhruv Anand

Is there any way I can reduce the size of the application?