Search for a specific site
- Put "site:" in front of a site or domain.
- Example: React Native Custom Hooks
- Hint: Don’t put spaces between the symbol or word and your search term. A search for will work, but site: won’t.
Fill missing words or phrases
- Use Asterisk * to fill missing words or phrases.
- Example: How to * in React Native
Exclude words from your search
- Put - in front of a word you want to leave out.
- Example: React Native -navigation
Search for an exact match
- Put a word or phrase inside quotes.
- Example: "React Native Navigation"
Search within a range of numbers
- Put .. between two numbers.
- Example: Javascript 2017..2022
Combine searches
- Put "OR" between each search query.
- Exmaple: Javascript OR Typescript
Important: Not all search operators return exhaustive results.
Thank you for reading ♥
Top comments (14)
How about AND?
What about XOR?
Thank you for this note, Sure will be added 🌻
Well, i didn't menthion AND Operator, as it doesn’t make much difference, because Google uses "AND" by default.
Knowing how to google should be an official skill that companies look for. Honestly, it can save you hours if you know where to search and the best way to do it 😂
Totally agreed
I'd recommend linking to the - rather comprehensive - Google article describing all of the search syntax features.
(Also, your range example uses ellipsis rather than double-dot.)
Thanks for the great list! 😄
Would love to see a similar one for Duckduckgo!
Thank you for sharing!
You're welcome!
intitle:"weather Rome" - Outputs pages containing the specified word in the title
Very concise. You simplified it. Thank you
I need more of this! It is concise
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