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How to remain sane when your work system breaks down

The unspeakable happened and on Friday the 13th my laptop - the only laptop I had - got bricked. As a beginner freelancer I don't have a sum of money to throw directly into another laptop so I will have to survive without it at least until next Wednesday, when I'm supposed to take it from the service - if everything goes well (pray for me). How did I make it through the first day so far?

  1. Prepare your clients for a delay on their projects if needed. Things like this happen sometimes and your clients will be thankful to be warned about the delay from the beginning.

  2. Do damage control. Try to work on your projects in whatever way you can to minimize the damage - don't just wait for things to get solved. Design a future project architecture, a database, think about ways to optimize the current projects, read documentation and best practices, etc - just keep working in any way you can. If not possible...

  3. Keep yourself busy. It's quite baffling for your mind to be thrown out of it's usual schedule, especially if you are an introvert who spends most of their time on their own. It's important to keep your mind and body busy and find productivity in other ways. That cleanup you postponed for the past month? Just do it. Going out with a friend that you flaked on for the past 2 months because of work? Time to call them. Desperate because you can't work and you're terribly bored? Write a blog post. Anything goes.

All in all, it's a small opportunity to (almost) disconnect from work for a while and find meaning and enjoyment in daily life.

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