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Andy George (he/him)
Andy George (he/him)

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What are your favorite less-common programming languages?

Was having a nostalgic chat with some coworkers recently about programming languages we've used in the past, especially some outside of those that we seem to more talk about, like Python, C, Ruby, Go, Java|Script, HTML, etc etc.

Here are a couple of languages that I have fond memories of that maybe don't fit the current "corporate dev mold":

  • TI-BASIC: As a kid, I dabbled a bit with QBASIC on our first family computer, but I didn't do anything of substance until I got my first graphing calculator in middle school, the TI-80. I wrote some (real bad) tiny text adventures, and then a bunch more fun little things once I upgraded to a TI-89 - it was vastly more powerful AND had a data link so I could code fun little scripts FROM A PC and transfer them to the calculator

  • VBA: Feels like a lot of people have VBA horror stories, all of which are valid, but we should all acknowledge the amount of true, real-world business value wrapped up in VBA. Best part, VBA was #nocode before #nocode was cool. Classic VBA dev flow:

How do I do this??"
Lemme just record this Excel macro and see what VBA it spits out.

So, my question to everyone else:

What are some less-common languages that you hold near and dear to your heart?

Latest comments (46)

pranavbaburaj profile image
Pranav Baburaj

V is a really cool language and I like it

sigzero profile image


It's different enough that it makes it fun to program in. The surrounding community is one the best as well.

dmartinezsarta profile image
Daniel Martínez Sarta

From a Ruby background I started to learn Elixir and it's amazing.

paddy3118 profile image

Awk. Learnt decades ago, I still have need to program in that pattern-action style in other languages such as Python.

schmitzel76 profile image
Patrick Schmitz

Had a lot of fun with low level assembler programming on my C64 and Amiga. The use of assembly is a lot less nowadays. I sometimes use some at work on low cost ARM devices, but that is also quite limited, mostly only some kernel glue logic.

scroung720 profile image

I didn't know this. This is awesome thank your for sharing I am going to play with it when I have the opportunity.

xantiagoma profile image
Santiago Montoya A.

NASM (Netwide Assembler) I remember It was so much clear than its most-popular alternatives due to the instruction set order.

swimburger profile image
Niels Swimburger.NET 🍔


mantassidabras profile image

Shell. Old, but gold. Everything I automate ends up as a shell script, even though it sometimes calls node or python to get certain data.

0916dhkim profile image
Danny Kim

I had an opportunity to learn Racket a few years ago, and had a very pleasing experience with the language. Racket is user-friendly while not losing its Lisp elegance.

lakshandev profile image
Lakshan perera

pascal programming, it was my first programming language taught in school

leob profile image
leob • Edited


It's the only "esoteric programming language" that I've ever studied in earnest (the only one that was within my grasp really, haha).

vlasales profile image
Vlastimil Pospichal


A very powerful, fast and at the same time underestimated language that I use in my projects.

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀


fennecdjay profile image
Jérémie Astor

Haskell, which I just used for an mdr implementation, it was really interresting.

lilypond I used a great deal now, for all my work needing western musical notation.

I have been using chuck for a while, I loved it, but a few flaws in it (performance, holes in the types system, no generics or function pointers) lead me to write gwion I use in a few shows and intend to write most if not all my contemporary music with, without a doubt the nearest to my heart 😄