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Git for beginners

The content is from this youtube tutorial where it covers how to use SourceTree, Github, and terminal from VScode to manage the project.

Before creating repository on Github

git init
Then register your username and email.
git config --global "(your name)"
git config --global "(your email address)"

Git is basically putting the current version of your project in a time capsule.
git status command shows the files that are untracked, meaning the files just created by you.
You can put the current state of files in the time capsule using the command, git add -A.
The changes to be committed will be shown when you type git status again.

You bury the time capsule using git commit -m "First Commit"

In order to push your commit the changes to the online repository, use git remote add origin Origin is the default name of the master branch and you can change its name. Then git push -u origin master push the changes to the cloud repository(origin) on master branch.

When you created repository and want to commit the progress on the existing github

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