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Angeline Wang
Angeline Wang

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Mastering CSS Grid

Only created in 2011, CSS Grid is the new kid on the block who has enabled new layouts, and simplified old ones!

(Cheeky updated version of this article now includes a few sidebars :))

At its core, CSS Grid is used to divide a page into major regions by defining the relationship between elements in terms of size, position, and layer.

Image description

This one I learned through Grid Garden, & later updated this article with content from Grid Critters...


Part 1 CSS Grid vs Other Options

1.1 CSS Grid vs Flexbox

Grid Advantage
= Can easily position elements in 2 dimensions:

  1. Columns
  2. Rows

1.2 CSS Grid vs Tables

= Allows you to align elements into columns & rows

= More layouts are possible & easier w/ CSS Grid

= Grid container's child elements could position themselves so they overlap & layer (like CSS positioned elements)


Part 2 Definitions

2.1 Grid

= Always starts w/ a line & ends w/ a line
→ Always has 1 more line than track

2.2 Tracks

= General term for either Columns or Rows
= A vertical/horizontal slice of the Gird
→ Can be sized & filled w/ Elements


Part 3 On the Container

3.1 Grid Layout


  1. Elements in Grid are equal heighted rows
  2. Grid always has at least 1 row and 1 column 3.grid-template-rows: 1fr; && grid-template-columns: 1fr;

Example Application

grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

= 4 Column Tracks, but 5 Column Lines
line 1 1fr line 2 1fr line 3 1fr line 4 1fr line 5


To begin using CSS Grid, we must select the <div> that is the container for all our elements, and apply the following CSS properties:

display: grid;
grid-template-columns: ____;
grid-template-rows: ____;
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Column/Row Sizing




  1. Set number of columns/rows
  2. Set size of each column/row = Control how Grid element are sized & positioned

Units of Measurement

= The following units of measurement for values can be used in combination

grid-template-columns: 100px 3em 40%;

1. px
2. em
3. %
= Relative to height/width of Grid
→ % of Grid Size

Example Use Case

#garden {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%;
grid-template-rows: 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%;
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= Sets up a grid w/ 5 columns, each 20% of full width, & 5 rows, each 20% of full height

4. fr
= The Fractional/A Fraction of the Free Space

= Allocate 1 share of available space
→ Divides up left over space after px, em, % allocated spaces are filled

= Tell tracks how much of available space to take up
→ After any fixed-unit tracks get their dibs

Example Use Case: 2 elements set to 1fr & 3fr
= Available space is divided into 4 equal shares
→ 1st element occupies 1/4 & 2nd element occupies 3/4 of leftover space

Example Application
grid-template-columns: 50px 1fr 1fr 1fr 50px;

5. vh
= Viewport Height
→ Can be used with grid-template-rows to determine the height of a row

6. vw
= Viewport Width
→ Can be used with grid-template-columns to determine the width of a column

fr vs %
= Equal sized tracks: fr & % look the same

= A Fraction of the Free Space
→ Takes gaps into account

= A Percentage of the Grid Size
→ Does not take gaps into account: Does not make space for them
→ Rows/Columns will take of the specified % of space no matter what: Tracks will get pushed outside bounds of the Grid

= fr > %
→ When using gaps

Flexible Values

= Sets a range of possible Element-Size Values

= Working with changing size of Content within a Cell

1. auto
= Working with text content
= Equal to size of content placed
→ An empty track with auto size = Having size of 0px

2. minmax()
= Defines track size as a Range
→ Rather than taking a single value for track size

= Takes 2 Values as Arguments:

  1. Minimum Size of Track
  2. Maximum Size of Track

= If max is lower than min
min overrides max
→ Even if max is set to auto & Track is empty

= Range is always between a smaller value & a larger one
→ No matter ascending or descending placement

= Takes priority over regular fr tracks


3. min/max-content
= Size of smallest content in track

= Size of largest content in track

4. repeat()
= Remove need to specify so many identical widths
→ Shorthand

repeat(*num tracks*, *size of tracks*)

Example Use Case
Without repeat
= grid-template-columns: 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%;

With repeat
= grid-template-columns: repeat(5, 20%);
→ Creates 5 columns, each with 20% width

1st Parameter Keyword Values
= Fills Grid w/ as many Tracks of the specified size as possible
→ Dynamic

grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, 150px)
= Fill the grid with as many 150px columns as possible

Similar to auto-fill
= Grid will create as many of given sized tracks as will fit

Difference to auto-fill
= auto-fit: Any empty tracks get collapsed to 0px
→ If columns are created, but there are no elements inside them, they will exist, but you won't see them

--auto-fit & auto-fill Similarities--
= Takes gaps into account
→ If you have large gaps: grid will have less room to create new tracks

= Both make tracks 0pc if they don't have any grid items inside them
→ Regardless of whether or not those grid items contain content themselves

3.2 Gaps


= grid-column-gap takes away from the available space that justify-content gets to split between the columns


= Measures size of gaps between the tracks


= Starting & Ending Line of the gap: Has the same Line Number
→ The gap is 1 thick line, stretched
→ Line now officially starts after the gap

Units of Measurement

1. vw

2. vh

3. %

4. px

5. rem


= Most template-columns/rows' Units of Measurement can be used
→ Except: fr

Example Use Case

planet {
 display: grid;
 grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr;
 grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
 grid-row-gap: 200px;
 grid-column-gap: 50px;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

3.3 Flow




= Change the flow of the Grid itself

= Configures 2 things:

  1. Direction (row or column)
  2. Packing (sparse or dense)

= Can configure Direction & Packing at once
grid-auto-flow: row dense;

What is Packing?

= Whether the Grid goes back to previous empty cells or not

Example Use Case

Insert Elements into Grid as Columns, instead of Rows

grid-auto-flow: column;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

= Elements flow into Grid: Filling up Columns before Rows
→ Starts from left


= Now grid-column placement gets priority
→ Instead of grid-row placement


1. Default

= grid-auto-flow: sparse row;
→ Elements flow into the Grid filling up rows before columns: Starting from top
→ Leaves cells empty if Element size does not fit into it: Moves onto next cell to try and fit it

2. row

= Elements fill up Rows before Columns
→ Starting from top

3. column

= Elements fill up Columns before Rows
→ Starting from left

4. sparse

= Grid keeps moving forward
→ As it looks for an appropriate cell to place the element
→ Even if that means leaving empty cells behind

5. dense

= Instructs the Grid to go back & fill empty cells previously skipped
→ Functionally equivalent to nowrap in Flexbox

3.4 Content Characteristics



= Text can wrap to multiple lines when they need
→ When size is larger than max value of minmax


= auto is the size of the content
→ Including wrapping when needed
auto is a somewhat flexible value
→ Text will take up as much space as it can before it hits the max limit & starts wrapping


= max value of minmax is respected
→ If contents are able to wrap

3.5 content Spacing/Positioning


= Controlling the whole Grid
→ Position tracks(columns/rows) themselves

= Columns'/Rows' Positioning & Spacing
→ When they do not take up the full Width/Height of Grid Cells




1. Default: stretch

= Changes the size of any auto-sized column
→ Until grid is completely filled

= Stretches out auto columns
→ But not fixed width columns

= Takes up all available space
→ && Adds it equally to each of the auto columns
→ Size of column depends on the size of its content

= Splits up the free space evenly
→ Adds it to the auto sized columns
→ On top of their initial size (size of content)

2. center

= Groups all the columns/rows up into center of available space in the Grid

3. end

= Columns/rows flush to the right/bottom

4. start

= Columns/rows flush to the left/top

5. space-between

= Spaces columns/rows out
→ No space on the outside of the outer 2 columns/rows

6. space-evenly

= Space around outside 2 columns/rows
→ Even amounts of space everywhere
→ Amount of space is exactly the same
→ On all sides of every column: Including the outer 2 columns

7. space-around

= Space outside the 2 columns 1/2 the size of space between the columns
→ Same amount of space around every column
→ Including the outer ones
→ Middle columns look like they're getting double the space: only bc their space is adjacent to another column's space

3.6 items Spacing/Positioning


= Horizontal/Vertical positioning of Grid elements within their Grid cells
→ When they do not take up the full space of the Grid Cell




1. Default: stretch

= w/o specifying justify-items
→ Only works for items that don't already specify their size
→ If elements have a width/height set, stretch is overridden

2. start

= To the Left

3. end

= To the Right

3.7 Interaction between Spacing & gaps


= Adding a column gap
→ Widens the distance between the columns
→ && spacing on outside of columns shrink


= gaps are calculated before spaces

3.8 Implicit Tracks


= Tracks created beyond template on the Container
→ Created by adding individual elements to a column/row line number larger than those existing


= Collapsed tracks from auto-fit are not implicit tracks


= Grid adaptability to content inside
→ Automatically adding as many tracks as it needs to fit all its elements

= Positioning an element into a column that does not exist
→ Creates a column even if that column was not defined before in the Grid template


= gaps are still included between implicit tracks
→ Implicit tracks are identical to regular tracks
→ They just don't show up unless needed

Example Use Case

= Grid only had 4 cells: 2 rows & 2 columns
→ But 6 elements to fit in

= Thus, it makes a brand new implicit row
→ Makes room for those 2 extra elements



= Controlling size of any implicit columns the Grid adds automatically




1. Default: auto
grid-auto-columns/rows: auto;

= As tall/wide as content of element
→ Collapses down to 0px if there is no content

Example Application
= If there are only 5 Columns, but you try to place an element in Column Line 7
→ There will be 2 Implicit Tracks created:
One to place the element in
& One before that

2. Any template Values

3.9 Naming



= To be used instead of Line Numbers
→ Can assign a Name to any Line

Step 1: Setup - Add Names to Lines

= In Values for grid-template-columns/row

= "Line, Track, Line Pattern"
→ Brackets [] are used to name Lines


grid-template-columns: [start] 1fr 1fr [center] 1fr 1fr [end];
grid-template-rows: [top] 1fr 1fr [bottom];
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Default Line Names
= Order of line
ie Code Written...

grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

→ ... Implied Line Names

grid-template-columns: [1] 1fr [2] 1fr [3] 1fr [4] 1fr [5];
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

1. Do not need to name _all the Lines_
= Can just name some that will be used

2. Number of Names per Lines
= No Limit
→ Different Names: Separated by a space

grid-template-columns: 1fr [middle center] 1fr;
grid-template-rows: 1fr [neat-line awesome-line] 1fr;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

= Assign the same name to many lines
→ ie To Position those lines at the same time

= Used w/ repeat()
→ Only affects Lines created w/in repeat()


repeat(*num tracks/lines*, [*lines' name*] *track size*)
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Example Use Case

grid-template-columns: 1fr repeat(5, [grass] 50px) 1fr;
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Step 2: Applications of Line Names

1. Capture Line after Tracks created by repeat()
= Add Line Name again after repeat()

2. Target Multiple Lines w/ Same Name
= Use the Name Number Syntax
→ Use Name w/ Order Position w/in all those of the same name

Example Value: grass 3

3. Grouping Line Names
= Creating a Line Group

Example Use Case
Naming line 3 bottom-start & line 5 bottom-end
= Giving both bottom prefix
→ Grouped the 2 lines

= Lines that are grouped can be referenced through their group name insolation, without the suffixes
ie grid-row: bottom;

5. Use Names as Values
= In Values for grid-column/row-start/end / grid-column/row


grid-row: top / bottom;
grid-column: start / center;
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6. Line Name & Number Values Combined
= Isolated Line Name && Number Values as part of grid-column/row Shorthand Values


grid-row: 2 / bottom;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode



grid-template-areas: ". . ." ". . ." ". . ."

= Number of ""s = Number of Columns
→ Each pair of quotes separated by a space

= Number of space-separated values inside each "" = Number of Rows
→ Num of space-separated values inside each “” need to be the same


#page {
  display: grid;
  width: 100%;
  height: 250px;
  grid-template-areas: "head head"
                       "nav  main"
                       "nav  foot";
  grid-template-rows: 50px 1fr 30px;
  grid-template-columns: 150px 1fr;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

= Each line in grid-template-areas setting: Represents a row in the Grid
→ Each row/line must contain the same number of cell names

Recommended Uses

1. Create Group for 4 side column lines
= Name side using -start and -end suffixes

grid-template-columns: 1fr [side-start] 100px 100px 100px [side-end];
grid-template-rows: 1fr [bottom-start] 100px 100px 100px [bottom-end];
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
grid-area: bottom / side;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

= Is identical to:

grid-row-start: bottom;
grid-column-start: side;
grid-row-end: bottom;
grid-column-end: side;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

2. Give column line group same name as row line group
= All 4 lines working together to form a single area
→ Ideal b/c can position items by area name

grid-area: center;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


= Gives Names to Grid Areas
→ Establishes Cells in the Grid & Assigns them Names


= Areas are not associated with any particular grid item
→ But can be referenced from the grid-placement properties: grid-row-start grid-row-end grid-column-start grid-column-end & their shorthands grid-row grid-column && grid-area

Example Use Case

planet {
  display: grid;
  grid-gap: 50px;

  grid-template-areas: "grass grass dunes" "rocky rocky dunes";
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr;
  grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr;

rocky {

  grid-area: rocky;


grass {

  grid-area: grass;


dunes {

  grid-area: dunes;

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1. Only Creating 1 Area
= Do still need to name all the cells in the grid
→ But to indicate the cells where you do not want to create an area: Use a period (.) in place of a name

grid-template-areas: ". . ." ". center ." ". . .";
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

= "." makes for cells with no name
→ But items can still flow into those cells on their own
→ It does not prevent the filling of a cell
→ It just leaves its name blank

= Periods mess up how grid-template-areas can visually represent the Grid
--> No longer resembles the Grid itself
= To keep the Grid look of this definition
--> Can use ore periods

Example Use Case

grid-template-areas: ". ...... ." ". center ." ". ...... .";
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

= Only names all Grid lines bordering each area
→ Does not create Grid lines

  grid-template-areas: "left . . right";
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

= Defines an area named left
→ Names all lines bordering that area
→ Column line 1 & Row line 1 named left-start
→ Column line 2 & Row line 2 names left-end
= Can position elements using those line names
→ Even though you did not manually name them

ie Make an element start at the line name left-end(line 2)

grid-column-start: left-end;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


1. Not needing to name all lines manually
= Also do not need to give every cell a name
→ Use a period (.) for non-named cells

2. Most convenient way to name lines: grid-template-areas
= After naming the lines, you can position elements to those lines using any of the item placement settings or their shorthands


grid-area: center;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

= A shorthand for:

grid-area: center-start / center-end / center-start / center-end;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Recommended Use Case

= Better than naming a ton of lines
→ Areas can be as small or large as you want
→ As long as the cells are adjacent and form a rectangle

As an Alternative
= Naming lines through areas instead of manually naming lines through template-columns/rows


1. Start by defining the areas using empty cells
= Make sure to get the correct number of rows & columns

grid-template-areas: ". . ." ". . ." ". . .";
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

= For 3 rows/columns

2. Name the cells you need to
= Create 3 area names using grid-template-areas
--> The top 3 cells & the middle left cell will remain empty

When naming grid-areas
= Need to name all of them in order to work
→ Add ""s and .s

Types of Values

1. Default: none

2. Keyword Values
= Grid container does not define any names grid areas

3. String Values
= 1 Row is created by each separate string listed
→ 1 Column is created for each cell in the string

4. Grid Area
= Multiple cell tokens w/ same name w/in & between rows
→ Creates a single names grid area: Spanning corresponding grid cells
→ Unless those cells form a rectangle, the declaration is invalid


grid-template-areas: "a b b" "a c d";
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

5. Global Values
= inherit, initial, revert, revert-layer, unset


Part 4 On Individual Elements

4.1 Sizing

= % sizing for each element is relative to the grid cell, rather than the whole grid container

4.2 Cell Spacing/Positioning


1. span

= Span a few row/column lines from wherever it is naturally placed
→ Make Elements take up the space you want: Wherever they are placed in the Grid

1. Used w/ both start & end
= Sets element width relative to end (when used w/ start) position, or start (when used w/ end) position

Example Use Case

grid-column-start: 1;
grid-column-end: span 2;
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2. Use w/ start OR end for _both column & row_
= Size Element w/o Positioning it
→ Size it regardless of where it lies on the Grid
= Make the UI dynamic

= Essentially sets the Height (column span amount) & Width (row span amount) of the Element
= Starts spanning along Grid flow, from 1st lines, by default

Example Use Case

rocky {
grid-column-start*or -end*: span 2;
grid-row-end*or -start*: span 4;
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Or simplified...

rocky {
grid-column: span 2;
grid-row: span 4;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

3. Used Alone: start OR end for column OR row_
= Set Element's Starting/Ending Column/Row Line
→ Instead of a fixed Line Number

= No longer need to hard code a specific line
→ Code becomes more dynamic

Example Use Cases

grid-row-start: span 3;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

= Element will span 3 lines (counting from 1st line)

grid-row-end: span 3;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

= Element will span 3 lines (counting from 1st line also)

I found it quite unexpected that end and start would both count from the same direction

= Written after span & space
→ Only positive numbers

4.3 Item Positioning vs Grid Container

Grid Container

= Think of Rows and Columns as Tracks

Item Positioning

= Think of Rows and Columns by Lines
ie grid-row-start: 3 moves an Element down into the 3rd row, but done by making it start at the 3rd Line

4.4 Column/Row Positioning




= Tell Element which line to start/end on
= Position an item by Line Number
→ Choose Line Number on which to place the element

start and end both used

= Extend Element across multiple columns/rows

start or end used alone

= Element spans 1 column or row
= Ends on the line of column or row identified && Takes up a single cell by default
→ Thus, starting on the line directly prior to the one identified

Example Use Case

grass {
  grid-column-end: 3;
  grid-row-end: 4;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


  1. Element starts at 3rd row line & ends at 4th row line → Taking up a single row (track 3)
  2. Starts at 2nd column line & ends at 3rd column line → Taking up a single column (track 2)
  3. The single cell at the intersection of row track 3 & column track 2 → Is now occupied by the Element


= Positioning individual elements w/in a Grid container
→ Target each Element by selecting itself


Example Value

grid-column/row-start: 3;
= Place element starting at the 3rd vertical/horizontal grid line/3rd vertical/horizontal border from left in the grid

Example Use Case

grid-row-start: 3;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

= Start Element at 3rd Horizontal Line

grid-column-start: 3;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

= Start Element at 3rd Vertical Line

Units of Measurement

1. Positive Numbers

grid-column-start: 1;
grid-column-end: 4;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

= Element starts at 1st vertical grid line & Ends at 4th vertical grid line

2. Negative Numbers
= Counts from opposite direction

grid-column-start: -1
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

= Starts at 1st Line from right

grid-row-end: -2
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

= Ends at 2nd line from bottom

= grid-column-end does not need to be greater than grid-column-start
= Count Grid Lines from right instead of left

Example Use Case

grid-column-start: 5;
grid-column-end: 2;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

= Same effect as:

grid-column-start: 2;
grid-column-end: 5;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

= grid-column-start & grid-column-end can be reversed

4.5 Combinations

1. end Line Position (Num/Name) used with start span


= Space in reverse direction
→ Element spans in opposite direction of Grid flow

I thought this could be more straight-forwardly done through (the currently redundant) end with span. This seems like a very convoluted and verbose way of doing it if you just want to start counting from the natural final line.


= Works for both grid-row & grid-column

= If used with row
→ Changes to bottom-up
= If used with column
→ Changes to right-to-left


= Essentially same as Flexbox's flex-direction: column-reverse & flex-direction: row-reverse

Example Use Case

rocky {
grid-row-end: 5;
grid-row-start: span 3;
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= Starts counting from the end line number identified, and counts the full amount of proceeding lines specified after span of start

2. grid-column/row-start or grid-column/row-end used alone


= Only Positioning of Element
→ Defining Start & End Positions of Grid Lines

3. grid-column/row-start & grid-column/row-end used together


= Sizing on top of Positioning

span for start vs span for end


= Exact Same Effect
→ Both count in the direction of Grid flow


= If both are set: start takes precedence over end
end will have no effect

4.6 Element Spacing/Positioning

Grid Container




= Used on Grid Container
= If align/justify-items is set to anything but stretch
→ Elements w/o explicit size specifications: Will Collapse

Individual Elements


= Horizontal/vertical positioning
= Used on individual Elements
→ Overrides Grid's align/justify-items for the one Element




= Same values as justify/align-items (which were used on Grid container)

= Not explicitly placed w/ grid-area, grid-column, grid-row

1. start
2. end
3. center
4. stretch


= If justify-self is set to start or end
→ Must specify width if there is no content in the cell


water {
grid-column: span 2;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

= Equivalent to:

water {
justify-self: start;
grid-column: span 2;
width: 100%;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

= Element starts from left of the grid cell, and also spans 100% of the cell
→ B/c justify-self is no longer the default stretch, this explicit width needs to be set

4.7 Order


= Use to alter the positioning an element
→ 0-based: Has a default of 0


= Can be used on any element

With Row-Positioned Items

= Row-positioned items are still given 1st placement priority
→ Regardless of the order

= grid-row trumps order



= order: 0
→ Automatically places all elements according to order in source code

Types of Values

1. Positive or Negative
= Similar to z-index
→ When specified, overrides the default order value of 0

2. Any order higher than 0
= Moves it to get positioned last

3. Less than 0
= Moves it to the front of the line
→ Gets places first

Example Use Case

= Overlapping elements

.water {
order: 0;

#poison {
order: 5;
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4.8 Row Positioning


= Does not move the Grid's tacking position forward
→ Row-positioned items are handled first
→ Grid starts again from the top
= Positioning an element by grid area is row positioning


= To position elements in rows, use the same properties for columns, replacing the word column w/ row

Example Use Case

grid-row-start: 3;

grid-row: 3 / 6;
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4.9 Column Positioning

Columns & Rows Example

grid-column: 2;
grid-row: 5;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
grid-column: 2 / span 4;
grid-row: span 5;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

= Sets position of both dimensions at once

4.10 Area Positioning


= 4 values separated by a /


= Combines grid-row-start, grid-column-start, grid-row-end, and grid-column-end

= Specifies a grid element's Size & Location: W/in a Grid
→ By contributing a line, a span, or nothing (automatic) to its grid placement

= Specifying the edges of its grid area


= Grid Elements & absolutely-positioned boxes whose containing block is a grid container

= Used w/ multiple elements: We can overlap them
= Starts at top line, works its way counter-clockwise
→ Top line, left line, bottom line, right line


= Does not require specifying all 4 positioning slots


= grid-row-start / grid-column-start / grid-row-end / grid-column-end

= Any of the values you use in the longhand positioning settings
→ Line Numbers, Line Names, Negative Numbers, span, etc.

1. Default: auto

= All 4 values set to auto

2. Keyword Values

→ Property contributes nothing to grid element's placement
→ Auto-placement or a default span of 1

Use Case
= Used to skip positioning slots
→ Won't assign a position
→ Lets item fill Grid using default behaviour


grid-area: span 5 / span 2 / auto / auto;
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= Identical to:

grid-area: auto / auto / span 5 / span 2;
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= Everything left off will be set to auto:

grid-area: span 5 / span 2;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

3. Values

= String Names
→ ie Names Lines with names <custom-ident>-start/<custom-ident>-end
= Contributes 1st such line to grid item's placement

Named grid areas auto-generate implicit suffixes for the names of the lines formed


grid-area: foo;
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= Chooses the start/end edge of that named grid area
&& sets it to foo-start and foo-end
→ Unless another line named foo-start or foo-end was explicitly specified beforehand

4. && Values

= Contributes the nth grid line to the grid item's placement
→ If negative integer: Counts in reverse
= Starting from end edge of explicit grid

→ If name given as a
= Only lines w/ that name are counted

→ If not enough lines w/ that name exists
= All implicit grid lines are assumed to have that name for the purpose of finding this position

→ Invalid value: 0


grid-area: 4 some-grid-area / 2 another-grid-area;
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5. span && [ || ] values

= Uses a grid span for grid item's placement
→ Corresponding edge of grid item's grid area is n lines from opposite edge

Use Cases
If name is given as a
= Only lines w/ that name are counted

If not enough lines with that name exist
= All implicit grid lines on the side of the explicit grid corresponding to search direction: Assumed to have that name for purpose of counting this span

If is omitted
= Defaults to 1
→ Invalid values: Negative integers or 0

grid-area: span 3 / span some-grid-area;
grid-area: 2 span / another-grid-area span;
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6. Global Values

= inherit, initial, revert, revert-layer. unset

Syntax Options

a. Four Values Specified

= grid-row-start set to 1st Value

Separated with a /

= grid-column-start set to 2nd Value

Separated with a /

= grid-row-end set to 3rd Value

Separated with a /

= grid-column-end set to 4th Value

b. Three Values Specified

= grid-column-end omitted
→ If grid-column-start is set, the grid-column-end set to the same
→ If not, grid-column-end is set to auto

c. Two Values Specified

= grid-row-end && grid-column-end omitted
grid-row-end && grid-column-end set to grid-row-start

d. One Value Specified

= grid-column-start is omitted
grid-row-start = grid-column-start

Example Syntax

#item1 {
grid-area: 2 / 2 / auto / span 3;
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Positioning Elements at Grid Lines


= More convenient than grid-row and grid-column positioning shorthands


Identify top line/counter-clockwise pattern
= Dynamic retrieval of lines in the relevant position

grid-area: <top line> / <left line> / <bottom line> / <right line>
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Use Case Example

planet {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: [left] 190px 190px [right];
  grid-template-rows: [top] 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr [bottom];

dunes {
  grid-area: top / left / bottom / right;
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Functionally equivalent to:

grid-row-start: top;
grid-column-start: left;
grid-row-end: bottom;
grid-column-end: right;
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Part 5 Shorthands

5.1 On Grid Container

Grid Template



grid-template: [top-line] 1fr
               20% [bottom-line]
               / [left-line] 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr [right-line];
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= Syntax layout resembles layout of Grid itself


= Combines grid-template-rows & grid-template-columns & grid-template-areas
→ Accepts rows, then a slash, then the columns

= auto : Takes up the next available cell in the Grid when it's their turn


= Left to right, top to bottom
→ Elements flow into the Grid one at a time
→ Taking a turn based on their natural order

= Can do most things
ie Naming lines


= Cannot add BOTH template-areas naming & repeat() at the same time
→ B/c setting would not be able to visually mimic the Grid

Add template-areas naming

= Define Tracks ** w/o** using repeat() in grid-template


grid-template: ". rocky rocky ." 200px
               ". rocky rocky ." 1fr
               / 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr;
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= Same as:

grid-template-areas: ". rocky rocky ."
                     ". rocky rocky .";
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Example Use Case

grid-template: 50% 50% / 200px;
= Creates a grid w/ 2 rows that are 50% each & 1 column that is 200px wide





= Row properties, than /, then column properties


= Exact same as grid-template
→ Define rows and columns


  1. Row properties
  2. Column properties
  3. grid-auto-flow

Gaps between Columns/Rows




= Sets both column and row gaps


= *row gap* *column gap*
→ With a Space between


grid-gap: 30% 10%;

5.2 Individual Elements



grid-row/column: *start line* / *end line*
= *end line* value - optional
→ If no *end line* value: Will by default only set the *start line* value


= Set both start & end values at once


= grid-column/row-start & grid-column/row-end values
→ Separated by a slash

= Accepts all values accepted normally by start &end`

Example Use Case

grid-column: 2 / 4;
= Sets grid element to start on 2nd vertical grid line & end on 4th grid line
→ Functionally identical to...

grid-column-start: 2;
grid-column-end: 4;



Part 6 Workflow

1. Define Grid Tracks & Gaps

2. Flow Elements into Grid

3. Adjust Size/Positions of Elements

= If needed

4. Double check grid-auto-flow setting

= Make sure Grid is flowing correctly
→ Comment out explicit sizes temporarily if needed

5. Make sure elements are in their correct cells

6. Align and justify items

= If needed


Part 7 Tips for Next Article

1. Do not write so many notes

= If something has already been written: Do not repeat it

= Keep notes DRY
→ Or else you will waste far too much time cutting & organizing afterwards

2. Cut Details

= Make article more digestible
→ Keep one copy for personal & Another for uploading


And that's it for my expanded and revised CSS Grid notes! I may return if I encounter anything unexpected in practice.

For my next article, I am considering 3 options: Going into the process I used to create a Texas Hold'em Game, Analysing TailwindCSS, or JavaScript Basics.

Right now, I am leaning towards JavaScript Basics, as I think it is a good way to continue refreshing core concepts.

Nonetheless, I think it is certainly advantageous to get to the other two topics at some point.

With love,

P.S You're welcome to join my journey by checking out my blogs on founding a startup 🤍

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