
Karthick Srinivasan
Karthick Srinivasan

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Eclipse IDE Shortcuts - A quick reference guide


Ctrl + M - Max and Min the current window
Ctrl + Space - Intellisense (Autosuggestion)
Ctrl + 1 - Autocorrects and suggests more options (used mostly during compilation errors)
Alt + Up Arrow / Down arrow - to move a line up/down
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Debug mode:

F5 - Go into the function (step into)
F6 - does the function call and goes to the next function(step over)
F8 - Go ahead and execute the rest of the program (used when step into sysout for eg.)
Inspect - to see what is the current value while debugging
Watch - add an expression like num * 3 or num * sum - to see what value it gives
Double click on a variable's value to change it during the execution
To activate conditional break point, double click on the break point in the breakpoint window and check 'conditional' and 
enter the condition in the text box below (use when we have to debug from the middle elements of an array)
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Ctrl+Shift+L - to see the list of shortcuts in eclipse
Ctrl+Shift+R  - to search for any resource (for searching java classes and directly go there - just user written)
Ctrl+Shift+T - to search for any resource (for searching java classes and directly go there - user written + in built classes)
For the above two searches, just type the capital letters in the class, it will search quickly (For Eg. AL for ArrayList)
Ctrl+/ - Comment/uncomment the entire piece of code
F4 - Double click on a class name and press F4 to see the type hierarchy of classes in the type hierarchy window
(to see the inheritance relationships and all the methods it has)
Ctrl + T - to quickly see the type hierarchy of classes in the same window (doesn't show the methods that class has)
Ctrl + O - to quickly see the methods and variables that class has in the same window (doesn't show the type hierarchy of classes)
Ctrl + D - to delete the current line
Ctrl + L - to go to a particular line
Ctrl + Q - to got the point of last edit
F3 - place the cursor on a particular class and press F3 to go to that class (similar to Ctrl + Left click)
Toggle breadcrumbs - to see the complete path of a file (folder name, package name etc.--> shows jars as well)
Mark occurences - highlight a variable to see whereall it's used
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Ctrl+Shift+M - to extract a method seperately 
Ctrl+Shift+I - to inline that method (opposite of Ctrl+Shift+M)
Alt+Shift+R - to rename a variable and all it's references (use instead of find and replace)
Alt+Shift+L - to extract a local variable
Alt+Shift+I - to inline that variable (opposite of Alt+Shift+L)
Alt+Shift+T - to extract a constant (not a  direct shortcut)
Alt+Shift+C - to change the signature of a method (will add or remove the arguments and will pass the values provided wherever the method is called)
Alt+Shift+V - to move a method from one class to another class
Ctrl+Shift+F - to format the text
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Code generation:

Alt+Shift+S - to generate getters and setters (not a  direct shortcut) - select the variables to just generate for the selected ones and not all
use the above shortcut to generate toString methods as well - we can select the required code style as well
use the above shortcut to generate equals and hashcode methods as well
use the above shortcut to generate constructors as well
use the above shortcut to generate override and implement methods as well
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Auto formatting:

window-preferences-type 'format'-code style-format- customize the format
window-preferences-type 'save'- editor -save actions - select options accordingly to auto format whenever we save
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Ctrl+Alt+H - to view call hierarchy (where the method is called)
F4 - to view type hierarchy
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