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Aniekpeno Thompson
Aniekpeno Thompson

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Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is crucial in data analysis, for the fact that it enable analysts to uncover insights and prepare data for further modeling. In this article, we’ll dive into various EDA techniques and tools available in Python, to enhance your data understanding. From cleaning/processing your dataset to visualizing your findings and using Python in telling stories with data.

What is Exploratory Data Analysis?

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is a method of analyzing datasets to understand their main characteristics. It involves summarizing data features, detecting patterns, and uncovering relationships through visual and statistical techniques. EDA helps in gaining insights and formulating hypotheses for further analysis.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) in Python employs various techniques that are essential for uncovering insights from data. One of the foundational techniques involves data visualization using libraries such as Matplotlib and Seaborn. These tools allow data scientists to create different types of plots, including scatter plots, histograms, and box plots, which are critical for understanding the distribution and relationships within datasets.

By visualizing data, analysts can identify trends, outliers, and patterns that may not be evident through numerical analysis alone.

Another crucial technique in EDA is data cleaning and manipulation, primarily facilitated by the Pandas library. This involves processing datasets by handling missing values, filtering data, and employing aggregative functions to summarize insights. The application of functions like ‘groupby’ enables users to segment data into meaningful categories, thus facilitating a clearer analysis. Additionally, incorporating statistical methods such as correlation analysis provides further understanding of relationships between variables, helping to formulate hypotheses that can be tested in more structured analysis.


Step 1: Import Python Libraries

The first step involved in ML using python is understanding and playing around with our data using libraries. You can use this link to get dataset on the Kaggle website :
Import all libraries required for our analysis, such as those for data loading, statistical analysis, visualizations, data transformations, and merging and joining.

Pandas and Numpy have been used for Data Manipulation and numerical Calculations
Matplotlib and Seaborn have been used for Data visualizations.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
To ignore warnings
import warnings


The python Pandas library offers a wide range of possibilities for loading data into the pandas DataFrame from files like images, .csv, .xlsx, .sql, .pickle, .html, .txt, etc.
Most of the data are available in a tabular format of CSV files. It is trendy and easy to access. Using the read_csv() function, data can be converted to a pandas DataFrame.
In this article, the data to predict Used car price is being used as an example. In this dataset, we are trying to analyze the used car’s price and how EDA focuses on identifying the factors influencing the car price. We have stored the data in the DataFrame data.
data = pd.read_csv("used_cars.csv")


Before we make any inferences, we listen to our data by examining all variables in the data.
The main goal of data understanding is to gain general insights about the data, which covers the number of rows and columns, values in the data, datatypes, and Missing values in the dataset.
shape – shape will display the number of observations(rows) and features(columns) in the dataset
There are 7253 observations and 14 variables in our dataset
head() will display the top 5 observations of the dataset

tail() will display the last 5 observations of the dataset
info() helps to understand the data type and information about data, including the number of records in each column, data having null or not null, Data type, the memory usage of the dataset shows the variables Mileage, Engine, Power, Seats, New Price, and Price have missing values. Numeric variables like Mileage, Power are of datatype as; float64 and int64. Categorical variables like Location, Fuel_Type, Transmission, and Owner Type are of object data type.


nunique() based on several unique values in each column and the data description, we can identify the continuous and categorical columns in the data. Duplicated data can be handled or removed based on further analysis.

Missing Values Calculation

isnull() is widely been in all pre-processing steps to identify null values in the data
In our example, data.isnull().sum() is used to get the number of missing records in each column

The below code helps to calculate the percentage of missing values in each column

The percentage of missing values for the columns New_Price and Price is ~86% and ~17%, respectively.


Some columns or variables can be dropped if they do not add value to our analysis.
In our dataset, the column S.No have only ID values, assuming they don’t have any predictive power to predict the dependent variable.

Remove S.No. column from data

data = data.drop(['S.No.'], axis = 1)

We start our Feature Engineering as we need to add some columns required for analysis.

Step 4: Feature Engineering

Feature engineering refers to the process of using domain knowledge to select and transform the most relevant variables from raw data when creating a predictive model using machine learning or statistical modeling. The main goal of Feature engineering is to create meaningful data from raw data.

Step 5: Creating Features

We will play around with the variables Year and Name in our dataset. If we see the sample data, the column “Year” shows the manufacturing year of the car.
It would be difficult to find the car’s age if it is in year format as the Age of the car is a contributing factor to Car Price.
Introducing a new column, “Car_Age” to know the age of the car
from datetime import date

Since car names will not be great predictors of the price in our current data. But we can process this column to extract important information using brand and Model names. Let’s split the name and introduce new variables “Brand” and “Model”
data['Brand'] = data.Name.str.split().str.get(0)
data['Model'] = data.Name.str.split().str.get(1) + data.Name.str.split().str.get(2)

Some names of the variables are not relevant and not easy to understand. Some data may have data entry errors, and some variables may need data type conversion. We need to fix this issue in the data.
In the example, The brand name ‘Isuzu’ ‘ISUZU’ and ‘Mini’ and ‘Land’ looks incorrect.

This needs to be corrected

searchfor = ['Isuzu' ,'ISUZU','Mini','Land']
data["Brand"].replace({"ISUZU": "Isuzu", "Mini": "Mini Cooper","Land":"Land Rover"}, inplace=True)
We have done the fundamental data analysis, Featuring, and data clean-up.

Let’s move to the EDA process

Read about fundamentals of exploratory data analysis:


Exploratory Data Analysis refers to the crucial process of performing initial investigations on data to discover patterns to check assumptions with the help of summary statistics and graphical representations.

• EDA can be leveraged to check for outliers, patterns, and trends in the given data.

• EDA helps to find meaningful patterns in data.

• EDA provides in-depth insights into the data sets to solve our business problems.

• EDA gives a clue to impute missing values in the dataset


The information gives a quick and simple description of the data.
Can include Count, Mean, Standard Deviation, median, mode, minimum value, maximum value, range, standard deviation, etc.

Statistics summary gives a high-level idea to identify whether the data has any outliers, data entry error, distribution of data such as the data is normally distributed or left/right skewed

In python, this can be achieved using describe()
describe() function gives all statistics summary of data
describe() ; Provide a statistics summary of data belonging to numerical datatype such as int, float

From the statistics summary, we can infer the below findings :
• Years range from 1996- 2019 and has a high in a range which shows used cars contain both latest models and old model cars.

• On average of Kilometers-driven in Used cars are ~58k KM. The range shows a huge difference between min and max as max values show 650000 KM shows the evidence of an outlier. This record can be removed.

• Min value of Mileage shows 0 cars won’t be sold with 0 mileage. This sounds like a data entry issue.
• It looks like Engine and Power have outliers, and the data is right-skewed.

• The average number of seats in a car is 5. car seat is an important feature in price contribution.

• The max price of a used car is 160k which is quite weird, such a high price for used cars. There may be an outlier or data entry issue.

describe(include=’all’) provides a statistics summary of all data, include object, category etc

Before we do EDA, lets separate Numerical and categorical variables for easy analysis
num_cols = data.select_dtypes(include=np.number).columns.tolist()
print("Categorical Variables:")
print("Numerical Variables:")
Also, Read about the article Standard Deviation in Excel and Sheets

Analyzing/visualizing the dataset by taking one variable at a time:
Data visualization is essential; we must decide what charts to plot to better understand the data. In this article, we visualize our data using Matplotlib and Seaborn libraries.
Matplotlib is a Python 2D plotting library used to draw basic charts..
Seaborn is also a python library built on top of Matplotlib that uses short lines of code to create and style statistical plots from Pandas and Numpy
Univariate analysis can be done for both Categorical and Numerical variables.

Categorical variables can be visualized using a Count plot, Bar Chart, Pie Plot, etc.
Numerical Variables can be visualized using Histogram, Box Plot, Density Plot, etc.

In our example, we have done a Univariate analysis using Histogram and Box Plot for continuous Variables.
In the below fig, a histogram and box plot is used to show the pattern of the variables, as some variables have skewness and outliers.

for col in num_cols:
print('Skew :', round(data[col].skew(), 2))
plt.figure(figsize = (15, 4))
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)

Price and Kilometers Driven are right skewed for this data to be transformed, and all outliers will be handled during imputation categorical variables are being visualized using a count plot. Categorical variables provide the pattern of factors influencing car price.
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize = (18, 18))
fig.suptitle('Bar plot for all categorical variables in the dataset')
sns.countplot(ax = axes[0, 0], x = 'Fuel_Type', data = data, color = 'blue',
order = data['Fuel_Type'].value_counts().index);
sns.countplot(ax = axes[0, 1], x = 'Transmission', data = data, color = 'blue',
order = data['Transmission'].value_counts().index);
sns.countplot(ax = axes[1, 0], x = 'Owner_Type', data = data, color = 'blue',
order = data['Owner_Type'].value_counts().index);
sns.countplot(ax = axes[1, 1], x = 'Location', data = data, color = 'blue',
order = data['Location'].value_counts().index);
sns.countplot(ax = axes[2, 0], x = 'Brand', data = data, color = 'blue',
order = data['Brand'].head(20).value_counts().index);
sns.countplot(ax = axes[2, 1], x = 'Model', data = data, color = 'blue',
order = data['Model'].head(20).value_counts().index);

From the count plot, we can have below observations
• Mumbai has the highest number of cars available for purchase, followed by Hyderabad and Coimbatore
• ~53% of cars have fuel type as Diesel this shows diesel cars provide higher performance
• ~72% of cars have manual transmission
• ~82 % of cars are First owned cars. This shows most of the buyers prefer to purchase first-owner cars
• ~20% of cars belong to the brand Maruti followed by 19% of cars belonging to Hyundai
• WagonR ranks first among all models which are available for purchase.

Exploratory data analysis (EDA) uncovers insights and knowledge from datasets by detecting outliers, key patterns, and relationships among variables. It involves collecting, cleaning, and transforming data to unveil its attributes.
Happy Reading and Let’s explore the future of Data Science together…

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