Hello! I failed my final law exams in the first try. Why? Because I didn't know how to motivate myself for something that I don't like. Fast-forward 8 years I am now studying Software Engineering and can even motivate myself to learn for the boring Business lectures. ;-) What is different now?
First of all, I am very interested in learning everything about Computers and programming. And I know that to be a successful Software Engineer you should give your best in all of the subjects. Also I know that a lot of people can't even afford to study, let alone going for two study programs. I feel grateful for my opportunities and think that I should make the best out of it.
The next important part is my health. During my law studies I didn't take care of my nutrition and this lead to a lot of tiredness. Now I try my best to eat what I need to feel energized. Another helpful tip I read about is to start small. A lack of motivation can be the result of being intimidated by that big mountain in front of you. You need little portions of success to get the ball rolling. Cut the road into pieces and start small, and learn for example for 10 minutes.
The last tip I want to share is to imagine the outcome that you would have if you didn't do your task. If you have trouble learning think of yourself failing the exam or getting bad grades. On the flipside you will receive good grades when you learn. Which tips for motivation do you want to share? Have a nice day. :)
Top comments (6)
I play motivational/uplifting music when im coding lol also thinking about completing my project and people actually using it excites me. I usually just keep thinking about that. Also for past projects I’ve completed I usually think of them as my job. I’m not going to make any money if I don’t get it done. So how do I get it done? Set a deadline, set goals. Small steps at a time then after working on it for a couple of months you get a lot done.
Thanks for sharing 😊 Yes, thinking of the goal and benefits after completion is a good idea.👍Also by taking small steps and seeing intermediate results you also get motivated 😊
I think it's important to have a good system. Motivation is a great starter, but it doesn't last forever (for anyone). A good system like eating healthy, taking care of yourself, starting small, being grateful, etc. will help you keep moving even if motivation is low.
I agree with your points, thanks for sharing 😊 🙌
I hear they sell canned motivation these days /s
Joking aside, there's a big difference between putting up with something boring to get to something you really want vs. doing so because you think you have to.
Yes that's true. It's good to distribute boring or annoying tasks over several days if possible.