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I'm Ankitha working for Luxoft India, as a junior software engineer. I'm a developer and it is important to learn to test whatever you develop. So, here is an article about Pytest.

Introduction to pytest:

Pytest is a powerful testing framework for Python that makes it easy to write and run tests. It is an open-source tool that provides a simple and intuitive way to write test cases. Pytest is known for its simplicity, speed, and ease of use. It supports various testing features like test discovery, fixtures, assertions, and test coverage.

In this article, we will explore the basics of Pytest and demonstrate how to write test cases using Pytest.

Pytest makes it easy to write tests using a simple and expressive syntax that is easy to read and understand. It supports a wide range of test types including unit tests, functional tests, integration tests, and acceptance tests, and provides a range of powerful features that help developers write high-quality tests.

Some of the key features of Pytest include:

Simple and expressive syntax:

Pytest uses a simple and intuitive syntax that is easy to understand and write. Tests can be written using plain Python functions, and Pytest provides a range of convenient assert methods that make it easy to write clear and concise assertions.

Modular and extensible:

Pytest is highly modular and extensible, which makes it easy to customize and extend the framework to meet your specific testing needs. Pytest plugins can be used to add new functionality to the framework, such as support for new test types, fixtures, and hooks.


Pytest provides a powerful fixture system that makes it easy to set up and tear down test environments. Fixtures are reusable pieces of code that can be used to provide a clean and consistent environment for each test, reducing the risk of test failures due to external factors.

Parametrized tests:

Pytest supports parametrized tests, which allow developers to write a single test function that can be run multiple times with different input data. This makes it easy to write comprehensive tests that cover a wide range of input scenarios.

Test discovery:

Pytest makes it easy to discover and run tests, automatically discovering and running all test functions that match a specific naming convention. This makes it easy to run tests across a large codebase, without needing to manually specify each test function.

Test coverage:

Pytest supports measuring test coverage, which is the percentage of code that is executed during tests. This helps developers identify areas of their code that are not being tested and improve overall code quality.

Assert introspection:

When a test fails, Pytest provides detailed information about the failure, including the expected and actual values. This makes it easy to diagnose and fix test failures quickly.


Pytest supports markers, which allow developers to categorize and run specific tests based on their characteristics. For example, tests can be marked as slow, fast, or flaky, and then run only the tests that match a specific marker.


Pytest has a large and growing ecosystem of plugins that provide additional functionality, such as support for specific testing frameworks, integrations with external tools, and custom fixtures.

Distributed testing:

Pytest supports distributed testing, which allows tests to be run across multiple machines or processes, reducing the time it takes to run tests on large codebases.

Test parametrization:

Pytest provides powerful ways to parametrize tests, allowing you to run a test with multiple sets of input values. This feature is particularly useful for testing edge cases or boundary conditions.

Custom test collectors:

Pytest allows you to define your own test collectors, which are used to discover and collect tests from your code. This feature can be used to create custom test discovery mechanisms, or to integrate Pytest with other testing frameworks.


Pytest provides a powerful debugger that allows you to step through your tests and inspect the state of your application at any point during the test. This feature can be particularly helpful for debugging complex test failures.

Test fixtures:

Pytest provides a powerful fixture system that makes it easy to set up and tear down test environments. Fixtures can be used to provide resources such as databases, temporary files, or network connections for each test, ensuring that tests are run in a consistent and isolated environment.

Here is the sample example of code for testing:

def add_numbers(a, b):
return a + b

To write a test for the following code by using pytest create a new file called and write the following code:

def test_add_numbers():
assert add_numbers(2, 3) == 5
assert add_numbers(0, 0) == 0
assert add_numbers(-1, 1) == 0

To test using pytest you can use the following command:
$ pytest


If you want a reliable and efficient way to test your Python code, Pytest is an excellent choice. It simplifies the testing process and helps you catch bugs early in the development cycle, allowing you to build high-quality software with confidence.

Overall, Pytest is a highly flexible and powerful testing framework that provides a wide range of features to help developers write high-quality tests for their Python applications. Its simple syntax, powerful fixture system, and support for test coverage, markers, and plugins make it a popular choice for developers looking to write efficient and maintainable tests.

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