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OSINT made easy. Find emails for anyone.

Ever wonder how to contact individuals if all you have is their social media link (like LinkedIn, Facebook, etc)?

I was recently tasked with doing just that. Specifically, I had to take a spreadsheet and add email addresses or phone numbers to it for each row. The spreadsheets looked like this,

Steve Wozniak,
Bill Gates,
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I wasn't sure where to begin, but after some Google-fu I found an API makes this trivial. In particular, the people enrichment API for Nymeria. What's better, they have a Go SDK!

I put together a quick program to process a spreadsheet from the command line.

Setting up a go module is easy enough,

$ mkdir linkedin-enrichment
$ cd linkedin-enrichment
$ go mod init linkedin
$ go get
$ touch main.go
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The code itself was simple. I'll let the code speak for itself (main.go below).

package main

import (


func rows(filePath string) [][]string {
  f, err := os.Open(filePath)

  if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("Unable to read input file "+filePath, err)

  defer f.Close()

  csvReader := csv.NewReader(f)
  records, err := csvReader.ReadAll()

  if err != nil {
     log.Fatal("Unable to parse file as CSV for "+filePath, err)

  return records

func main() {
  nymeria.SetAuth("YOUR API KEY GOES HERE")

  rs := rows("YOUR FILE NAME HERE")

  // Note, [1:] to skip the header row.
  for _, row := range rs[1:] {
     params := []nymeria.EnrichParams{
          // In my case, the URL was in the second column.
          URL: row[1],

    if es, err := nymeria.Enrich(params...); err == nil {
      for _, enrichment := range es {
        if enrichment.Status == "success" {
          if len(enrichment.Data.Emails) != 0 {
            fmt.Printf("%s,%s\n", row[1], enrichment.Data.Emails[0].Address)
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Running and getting the output is simple,

➜  linkedin-enrichment: go run main.go,,
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Has anyone else been tasked with similar problems? How did you solve them?

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